19 photos, after which you want to become Emma Watson

She is perfection!

1. When Emma Watson so easily eclipsed everyone on the red carpet, everyone else thought about what they were doing here.

2. Is such a level of perfection possible at all?

3. She made us like dresses without back and cuffs.

4. How does it go plum-colored lipstick!

5. Even when she just looks somewhere, she looks perfect from all sides.

6. Emma launched the "HeForShe" campaign in the UN, whose task is to attract the stronger sex to the struggle for emancipation and equal rights for women. This she showed that she was first and foremost an incredibly smart and independent woman.

7. In 2012, she won the MTV Movie Awards, proving that she is also a brilliant actress.

8. In this original and stylish dress, she looks amazing.

9. Emma can wear even pants with a dress at the same time!

10. In this photo, the stunning Emma with her colleague and girlfriend on perfection Jennifer Lawrence.

11. Even when Jennifer closes Emma's face, you wonder how in this position it was possible to get good!

12. Looking at this photo, I want to ask: "Where does it have wings?"

13. Ah, those eyebrows ...

14. Seeing her, even Eddie Redmein wanted to become Emma Watson!

15. When she smiles at the journalists on the red carpet, you want her to smile at you.

16. THIS. Awesome. DRESS!

17. When you see these bracelets on her, do you think they will look cool on you, too?

18. Surely she was thinking, "I'm going to hit everyone with this stunning checkered dress with this stunned denim jacket." This was one of the most original combinations at the GQ event.

19. And finally, when you see these cute hugs with Daniel Radcliffe, you understand how happiness looks.