How to plan the birth of a boy?

There is an anecdote on the topic of planning the sex of the child, when the pregnant woman, asking who she is, answers: "One of two: either a girl or a boy". Indeed, there are only 2 options, but sometimes it is very important for parents that their expectations coincide with reality. As a rule, for the most part it concerns the planning of a son, who has always been considered the continuer of the family and surname. Therefore, in families where girls are born one after another, parents are often concerned with the question "how to conceive a boy correctly?".

Since time immemorial, adherence to special signs, diets, use of specific postures during sexual intercourse have become methods on the way to how to plan a boy. Studying the experience of ancestors, it can be concluded that some funds for the implementation of this goal have proved to be quite effective. However, since fertilization is a unique physiological action, during which the egg selectively passes only a sperm with an indeterminate set of sex chromosomes, it is not naive to believe that something outside can influence its choice. However, thanks to the modern achievements of medicine, the possibility of IVF (Extra Extraction of Corpuscular Fertilization) became available, a method for solving the question: "How can you accurately conceive a boy?".

What to do to conceive a boy?

No method, other than IVF, guarantees that as a result of its application the boy will be conceived, nevertheless, it is possible to increase the probability of this event with the help of:

  1. Special diet. How can you plan a boy by changing the ration before pregnancy? 2-3 weeks before the expected moment of conception, it is necessary to enrich the women's menu with such products as: fruits, dates, cherries, potatoes, mushrooms, lentils. In addition, it is recommended to limit the consumption of green salad, cabbage, cocoa, nuts and dairy products.
  2. Planning the date of conception. On what days it is most likely possible to conceive a boy, is determined by the features of movement and the period of viability of spermatozoa. Since the spermatozoa that carry the gene material for the conception of the boy are more active in the first day, the sexual act should be planned on the day of ovulation. This is the ideal time when you can conceive a boy.
  3. Chinese floor planning table. This scheme is constructed taking into account the age of the mother (month and year of birth) and the estimated month of birth of the child. It helps to determine in what month the probability of conceiving a boy is higher.
  4. Floor planning by blood. When it is better to conceive a boy, it helps to determine the method of calculating blood renewal. It is believed that a woman's blood is renewed every 3 years, as well as after childbirth and surgery. In men - every 4 years and also after surgery. The division of the age of each of the parents by 3 and 4, respectively, makes it possible to determine the probability of the birth of a child of one gender or another, depending on who will have the greater result as a result of the calculation. Who has more than this number, a child will be born that way. The negative Rh factor in a woman changes the result to the opposite.
  5. People's methods. For example, in Ancient Russia it was believed that the planning of the sex of the child is affected by the fatigue of one of the parents. In case of severe mother fatigue the son was born, and if the father fell before his conception, then in 9 months the daughter was born.

How to conceive twin boys?

The probability of the birth of twin boys is higher for those couples who have a hereditary predisposition from either side. That is, in the genus, the periodicity of the birth of twins (usually through a generation), among great-grandmothers, grandmothers, etc. should be noted. However, the fact of having such a tendency does not guarantee the birth of twin boys. Just ensure their conception can only ECO method.