Types of thinking and their characteristics

In psychology, there are several types of thinking that arise in certain situations and their characteristics are different. They depend on the variety of mechanisms and ways of thinking problems.

Types of thinking and their characteristics

  1. Visual-efficient . It is used to solve problems by using realistic transformation of situations and performing specific actions. People with such thinking have the ability to fully analyze events since childhood.
  2. Visual-shaped . This thinking is based on the ability to turn certain situations into diverse images. Basically, this type of thinking is used by people who are engaged in art.
  3. Abstract or verbal-logical . It is carried out due to the emphasis on specific concepts, without the participation of empirical data.
  4. Theoretical . It is based on an understanding of laws and regulations. The characteristic of this kind of thinking is reflected in the relationship between objects at the level of regularities and trends.
  5. Practical . This form is based on the physical transition of reality. This thinking manifests itself in a moment of extreme situations, and there is no possibility and conditions for its verification.
  6. Analytical . Thinking, which is deployed in time.
  7. Intuitive . This kind of thinking is represented in consciousness.
  8. Realistic . This view is based on the surrounding world and is governed by specific laws of logic.
  9. Autistic . Allows you to realize your desires and intentions.
  10. Egocentric . Its main feature is the lack of the ability to compare yourself with others.
  11. Productive . Thinking, which gives an opportunity to learn new information and gain knowledge.
  12. Reproductive . It gives an opportunity to solve problems, already known and popular ways.
  13. Creative . It combines the characteristics of the psyche , which are provided by productive transformations. This kind of thinking is at birth for every person and his characteristic is very diverse.