Arrested boyfriend Kylie Jenner Travis Scott

After parting with the rapper Taiga, Kylie Jenner plunged into a new relationship with another rapper, Travis Scott, and now burns with concern for the newly-made lover. The American singer is accused of inciting riots.


The incident that led to the hospitalization of people occurred on Saturday's speech of 25-year-old Travis Scott (under Jacques Webster's passport) in Arkansas. During the show, the musician urged viewers to overcome the security cordons and get to the stage.

Travis Scott during his concert in Rogers, Arkansas

Some fans of the singer rushed to him, knocking down guards, as a result of which the security men were injured and themselves were injured in a stampede. The injured were provided with medical assistance, and the police, waiting for the ringleader of the riots to finish the concert, arrested him as soon as he appeared behind the scenes.

Scott urged people to rush to the stage

Scott was accused of incitement to unrest and a threat to the health and safety of minors. After being interrogated by the sheriff, he was released.

Travis Scott was arrested for inciting unrest

It is noteworthy that recently the sandal artist asked his fans to jump from the third floor at his concert in New York. If Travis continues in the same spirit, it will soon become a persona non grata on musical platforms.

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Missing the former

According to the insider, Kylie Jenner still can not forget her previous boyfriend Taiga, with whom she broke up two months ago and meets with Scott to make him jealous.

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott
19-year-old Kylie Jenner

The reality show star through mutual acquaintances learns about each step of the ex-guy and cries when he learns about the passions of a loving and free musician. Kylie is in no hurry to throw out Taiga's photo, hoping for a reunion with him.

Rapper Taiga