Stucco molding from foam

At one time the stucco decor was undeservedly forgotten. But today he got a second life, and boldly "enters" almost every house. Designers around the world are increasingly turning in their projects to this type of decor. After all, stucco is an affordable and inexpensive form of decoration of premises and facades of buildings.

Previously, stucco molding could only be made from gypsum. But modern technologies made it possible to make decorative details from polystyrene, which is otherwise called foam plastic.

We speak in detail

Today, the industry offers the consumer as products from granular polystyrene, and smooth. For the most part, you will find an unpainted product in specialized stores. But also in the presence of products are covered with a special film, which allows imitating both wood and stone.

However, it should be noted that the foam stucco does not have good strength. But this disadvantage is compensated by its ease in installation and cheapness. Sometimes repairs are done for a certain period of time, and therefore such details are very appropriate. In bathrooms where the humidity is high, or in the cellars, where there is a sharp change in temperature, and the atmosphere is not dry, you can afford a frequent change of decor due to the fact that it can become unusable or simply annoying.

Decorative stucco from foam makes it possible to decorate the interior without extra costs. Such decor allows you to achieve individuality in style, and installation can be done by the owner of the premises without the help of specialists.

Polystyrene does not darken and does not turn yellow. He also does not fall asleep, as it can happen with stucco molding . What is very important, when you have a ceiling molding made from polystyrene. And the environmental properties of the material allow it to be installed in living quarters.