Diseases of rabbits and their treatment

Any disease is easier to prevent. That is why the prevention of rabbit diseases is so important. Before every blood poisoning or transplantation, animals are thoroughly disinfected. Once a week, feeders, drinkers and nurseries are treated. Before each mating, all animals are carefully inspected.

Diseases of the eyes in rabbits

For the animal, the eyes are one of the most important organs. Rabbits have color vision, they can see well in the dark. And due to the peculiarities of the structure of the eye, they also see well as a lateral vision. There are several eye diseases of rabbits that are often found among these pets:

Diseases of ears in rabbits

Most experts encounter scabies or psoroptosis of the ears. Disease of ears in a rabbit occurs when it hits the skin of a tick. Affected, as a rule, internal areas of the animal's ears, external auditory canals and the auricle. On the ears you will notice gray-brown crusts or scabs, and the rabbit often scratches the ears. An animal can rub against objects in a cage or shake its head. To determine the diagnosis, scraping is taken. Treatment is carried out with ointment on an oily basis. Often prescribe aerosol foam diodrin. You can treat the site of infection with turpentine or a mixture of turpentine and oil. In case of severe frosts, always insulate the cage and transfer it to a warm place. Tumes on the ears indicate frostbite, which should be rubbed and smeared with melted fat.

Infectious diseases of rabbits

Infectious diseases of rabbits are more dangerous and their treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a veterinarian. One of the most common diseases of rabbits of this type is myxomatosis. Often the disease ends with the death of the animal. It flows in two forms. With a nodular form, an animal on the body appears tumors the size of a pea, edematous form gives a solid tumor throughout the body. As a rule, this dangerous disease of domestic rabbits affects the nose, eyelids and ears of the animal. Often, the tumor occurs on the legs, genitals and in the anus. Ears lowered, eyes inflamed, if edematous, then the appearance of the animal becomes ugly. Unfortunately, such diseases are one of the most difficult in rabbits and their treatment does not make sense. The body of the animal is burned, and healthy virus carriers are eliminated in order to prevent epidemics. All the cells and clothes of the breeder are carefully treated with special preparations.