Allergic rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Inflammatory process, accompanied by nasal congestion, endless sneezing and abundant discharge from the nose, can be taken by surprise. It is allergic rhinitis, and knowing its symptoms and peculiarities of treatment in adults, you can greatly improve your condition.

Causes of allergic rhinitis in adults

This inflammatory phenomenon can have both a chronic and a seasonal nature. Among the root causes of chronic rhinitis are usually the following:

Among the factors provoking seasonal rhinitis, we can note the following:

People suffering from allergic rhinitis are at different ages. However, this ailment is more often diagnosed in people genetically predisposed to this disease. Also, a greater likelihood of such a disease is observed in those who have a habitat full of these allergens-irritants.

Signs of allergic rhinitis in an adult

In an adult, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can be divided into two groups. The first is characteristic of the early phase of the disease. There are such signs:

All these symptoms manifest themselves a few minutes after contact with the stimulus. They are pronounced, therefore it is difficult to confuse allergic rhinitis with another foul.

After 4-6 hours comes the late stage of the disease. Identify it will help such signs:

In some cases, the lower eyelid can swell. Sometimes with rhinitis allergic under the eyes appear dark-cyanotic circles.

How to treat allergic rhinitis of adults?

When treating adults, allergic rhinitis takes into account the severity of the disease, the age of the patient, the allergen-stimulus and other important factors. The fight against the disease can be represented by the following steps:

  1. The patient is shielded from the allergen.
  2. Medical therapy is being implemented.
  3. Immunotherapy is performed.
  4. Preventive measures are being implemented.

Here these medicines are used for treatment in adults of allergic rhinitis:

Folk remedies for the treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults

In the fight against this ailment, people's means are first of all assigned to "preparations" of home production, aimed at strengthening the body's immune forces. It can be teas, alcoholic infusion and other drugs from medicinal herbs.

To wash the nasal passages, a saline solution is used.

Salt solution recipe


Preparation and use

Salt is bred in a boiled to warm boiled water. Twice a day with this miraculous solution wash the nose. This procedure is aimed at flushing the stimulus, which has fallen into the nasal passages, and, therefore, at eliminating the root cause of rhinitis.