Otinum or Otipax - which is better?

Pain in the ear is very difficult to tolerate, so you want to buy the medicine as soon as possible. Otinum or Otipax - what is the best use if you need to choose one of these two drugs? Let's try to find an unambiguous answer to this question.

Composition and indications for the use of Otopix droplets

Otypax refers to analgesics, the main property of this drug is to eliminate pain and minimize inflammation. In the composition of these ear drops are two active components: lidocaine and phenazone. The first of them is responsible for removing the pain, the second - fighting the inflammatory process. In the initial stage of otitis this medication has shown itself very well, however, in case of exacerbation of symptoms its effect can be called insufficiently strong. Because there are no antiseptic components in the drops, they can not provide protection against infections and pathogens. When suppuration Otypaks practically useless.

Contra-indications Otipaksa rather modest:

Composition and indications for the use of drops of otinum

The otinum also refers to combination drugs and combines painkillers, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties. Due to the fact that the composition is optimally combined choline salicylate, glycerol and ethyl alcohol, it acts quickly and for sure. Otinum is effective in such diseases:

Contraindications for Otinuma is slightly wider than that of Otipax:

What to choose - Otinum or Otipax?

If you still doubt which drug works best for you, despite the fact that the indications for use are almost identical, Otinum primarily fights the infection, and Otypax - with pain. What is better - instant improvement of well-being, or acceleration of recovery in perspective? The choice is individual. The difference between Ootinum and Otipax is quite high, but there are also minor issues that may affect your choice.

Note also that lidocaine within Otipax significantly limits the use of these drops, many people are intolerant of this substance, and on some this type of pain medication simply does not work. At the same time, Ootinum contains alcohol and glycerin, which facilitates its use, but can cause burning, redness and itching. Also, the drug is based on an antibiotic, so after treatment with Otinum, it is necessary to drink a course of drugs to strengthen immunity.

Many who have used Otinum noted that these drops, among other things, dilute earwax. They can be used for elimination of sulfur plugs .

It is important to remember that regardless of which medication you have purchased - Otinum or Otipax - they can be used only at the initial stage of the inflammatory process in the ear. If the affected area affected the tympanic membrane, ulcers or wounds were formed, the use of these medicines is unacceptable. This is particularly true of patients who are in childhood. In this case, the drops can only be used at the dosage indicated by the doctor.

Also, both of these drugs do not affect the ability to drive, make informed decisions and engage in accurate calculations.