Headache in temples and eyes

Headache is one of the most common symptoms that everyone has experienced. Among such pains, one of the most frequent variants (up to 90% of cases) is a headache, which is localized in the temples and gives into eyes.

Features of a headache in temples and eyes

Sharp strong pains in this area are infrequent. Usually the headache in the eyes and temples is blunted or pulsating, a feeling of pressure from the inside can be created. Such pains do not depend on the time of day, can arise unexpectedly and lasts a different time. Such pains are often asymmetrical and manifest only on one side of the head.

In addition to feeling pressure on the eyes and whiskey, severe headaches can be accompanied by nausea, an uncomfortable reaction to light, dizziness, unpleasant sensations in other parts of the head and neck.

Causes of headache in temples and eyes

The spectrum of diseases that cause such pain is quite wide, from relatively harmless factors to serious brain diseases.

Hypertonic disease

With increased pressure, pain is spasmodic, usually symmetrical, accompanied by dizziness. The attack is removed by taking antihypertensive drugs and antispasmodics.

Vegetosovascular dystonia

With this diagnosis, headaches in the temples and eyes appear quite often. May occur when weather changes, physical or mental stress, lack of sleep. For treatment, vascular drugs, drugs that relieve pain syndrome, and general therapy of the disease are taken.

Increased intracranial pressure

Headaches are strong enough, prolonged, pressing, can be observed not only in the eyes and temples, but also be given to other parts of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, deterioration of the state when the body position changes. Such pains require immediate treatment under medical supervision.

Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

The pains are usually asymmetrical, only on one side of the head, rarely seen in the eye.

Other reasons

Influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis , sinusitis and some other cold or infectious diseases can cause such symptoms. The treatment of headache in the temples and eyes in this case is symptomatic, and after recovery the symptoms no longer arise.

Pain caused by nervous overexertion and insomnia, can also be localized in the area of ​​the temples. Usually they pass after eliminating the reasons that caused them, and rest. Special treatment is not required.

Headaches in temples and eyes with migraine

Migraine is a chronic neurological disease until the end of an unsettled nature. For her typical are periodic attacks of violent, painful headache of a pulsating character in one part of the head. Attacks are often accompanied by photophobia, intolerance to noise, sharp odors, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, impaired orientation in space. The frequency and duration of seizures vary from several days to several weeks and even months. The usual means for headaches with migraine are ineffective, and each patient needs an individual selection of medications, usually expensive, for relief of attacks.

Headaches with meningitis

Meningitis is an infectious disease that causes damage to the meninges. Headaches in this case are gradually increasing, permanent, rather strong, giving not only to the temples and eyes, but also to other areas of the head. In addition to pain, there is a strong increase in body temperature, chills, symptoms of intoxication, drowsiness, rigidity of the neck muscles. Treatment of meningitis is carried out in the hospital, and the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the probability of recovery. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can be fatal.