Proper nutrition for every day

Today our conversation is about the basic principles of proper nutrition and what kind of food we want to have on our table daily. The right and healthy diet for every day includes:

  1. At least three small portions of whole grain products - such as wholemeal bread, pasta, brown rice or oatmeal. For one portion taken: 1 loaf of bread, 1 cup of cooked pasta or rice.
  2. Three servings of any dairy products of low fat content (or fat-free) - low-fat or skim milk, yogurt or cheese. For one serving: 1 glass of milk, 1 packet of yogurt, 25 grams of cheese.
  3. Five or six small portions of protein needed for the body, such as the protein of low-fat turkey meat, chicken or moderately fatty fish, as well as additional vegetable protein (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas) combined with starchy foods (eg potatoes). For one serving: 1 small potato, 100 grams of cooked legumes, 150 grams of fish, 100 grams of meat, 2 eggs.
  4. Two tea cups of berries or fruits - apples, bananas, oranges, pears. Two or three cups of vegetables - such as tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots or green leafy vegetables.

An example of a correct percentage of nutrition during the day looks like this:

The hourly scheme of proper nutrition is defined by nutritionists as follows:

Proper nutrition for weight gain

If you belong to the category of women who want to not lose weight, and at least a little to get better, a proper and balanced diet at your table will help you in this every day.

  1. Good breakfast. In the absence of breakfast, you may well lose more weight. You need to supply your body with energy at the latest one hour after you wake up. It is important that your breakfast combines complex carbohydrates, one source of protein and some fresh fruit or juice - which you eat or drink first. An example of the right food for breakfast can be: an apple, two pieces of multi-grain bread with tahini and honey or with yogurt and jam.
  2. Correct diet. You should not skip meals and should not stay hungry for a long time. It is very important for you to follow every day the same program - for those hours when you eat. Do not forget that giving your body a certain portion of calories at the same strictly set time is the basis of proper nutrition.
  3. Clever snacks. It has already been said that the principles of proper nutrition are dictated to us often and little by little. As an intermediate snack during the day you can use fruits with nuts. So you give your body extra calories, good fats and proteins.
  4. Qualitative proteins. Good proteins are those that do not contain a lot of saturated fat. Nuts, seeds, fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products and green leafy vegetables - these are their main sources. Products from wholemeal flour and legumes also contain a significant amount of good proteins.
  5. Good fats. Natural unprocessed fats are the best choice. Avoid the hydrogenated fats found in processed foods, as well as the excessively saturated fats found in animal products. Fish, olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds and tahini - that's the perfect meal for those who want to gain weight.
  6. Complex carbohydrates. Vegetables (especially potatoes, carrots, celery), as well as legumes and whole grains should become for you the main sources of carbohydrates - covering about half of your daily energy needs. Avoid white flour and products made from it.

This is the basic advice on proper nutrition for those who are looking to slightly increase their weight.

Concluding the conversation about proper nutrition, we will summarize, with what it is better to begin:

  1. Proper nutrition means eating at the same time.
  2. Learn to eat often and little by little.
  3. Choose for your food only natural natural foods: in proper nutrition, there is no place for canned food.
  4. Love fresh salads, as well as steamed, steamed and boiled dishes.
  5. Proper nutrition completely excludes snacks in fast food.