Laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst

Unfortunately, in recent years, more and more girls and women are faced with a diagnosis of "cyst (or polycystosis) of the ovaries." The cause of this disease is not one, but is a symbiosis of hormonal disorders that lead to anovulatory cycles (menstrual cycles without ovulation). Doctors prescribe medications that can correct the hormonal background, and in 90% of cases this method is effective. But what to do if hormone therapy does not work? In this case, it is recommended to perform laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst. The operation is minimally invasive, but still many are afraid of it. Let's dispel the myths about laparoscopic surgery to remove the ovarian cyst.

What is laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy, or laparoscopic surgery - is a relatively new method of surgical intervention, which is very low traumatic for the body. Thus, the operation is performed through small incisions on the body (from 0.5 to 1.5 cm) through which a small chamber and instruments are placed in the desired cavity. The picture comes on installed in the operating monitor, and the doctor works through special tools.

In order to master this technique, surgeons undergo advanced training courses and train on special devices, because during surgery they see organs and tissues only on the monitor.

Laparoscopy indications for cyst and polycystic ovary

As we noted earlier, in addition to laparoscopic cysts and polycystic ovaries, there are other methods of treatment, among which laparoscopy is the most complex. Let's analyze which cases the operation is shown.

During the menstrual cycle, normally, one egg grows under the influence of estrogen. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs - the egg "breaks" out of the ovary and it is ready for fertilization.

Under the influence of negative environmental factors, stress, and glitches in the hormonal background - in some cases, ovulation does not occur. That is, one "adult" egg and remains "live" on the ovary. Such situations occur quite often, but the good news is that the cyst resolves itself by itself within 2 months. If this does not happen, its capsule hardens, leaving no chance for self-absorption. This cyst is called organic and needs treatment with hormonal therapy. If it does not work, laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst is needed.

Other indications of laparoscopic surgery for cyst removal:

Progress of the operation

Preparation for surgery is no different from preparing for other endoscopic procedures. Intervention is done under the influence of general anesthesia. Duration of laparoscopy of ovarian cysts is 30-90 minutes. The doctor makes one small incision under the navel, where the video tube enters. Below and to the side of the first notch are made the other two, into which tools for work are introduced. The surgeon cuts a little cyst and removes it.

Postoperative period

Usually, women tolerate laparoscopy of the ovarian cysts, and the postoperative period goes well. It is recommended to get up 3-6 hours after the anesthesia has passed. The patient's discharge may occur, depending on the case, for 2-6 days. After 4-6 months after the operation, the hormonal background is completely restored, and the long-awaited pregnancy also begins.