Treatment of cervical erosion by laser

Diseases of the cervix are the most common among gynecological diseases. The cervix is ​​the only part of the cervix that projects outward and is therefore more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic factors of various origins.

The most common in women is cervical erosion - a violation of the integral structure of the cervical epithelium.

As a rule, erosion is asymptomatic. It can be found at the scheduled visit of a gynecologist. In some cases, a woman can notice in her discharge from pink to light brown and pain during sexual intercourse.

Erosion of the cervix: causes

The appearance of erosion in a woman can be due to the presence of the following factors:

Treatment of cervical erosion by laser

The most effective method of treatment is the removal of cervical erosion by laser (laser coagulation). After this procedure there is no scars on the uterus, which is especially important in the treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women. Therefore, laser coagulation is the most suitable safe method of treatment.

How is laser erosion cauterized?

In order to cauterize the erosion of the cervix with a laser, the vaporization method is used-evaporation of the pathological focus of epithelial cells that form erosion. Exposure to the laser beam is carried out only on the damaged areas of the skin, without affecting the healthy tissue.

Most women with cervical erosion care about whether it is painful to burn laser erosion. This procedure is absolutely painless for a woman and does not require the use of special anesthetics. In some cases, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen as during the menstrual period. This is due to the peculiarities of the woman's pain threshold in each specific case.

After the procedure of laser coagulation epithelization of the damaged surface of the cervix occurs on average in a month. The rapid healing rate of the cervical surface can reduce the risk of endometriosis.

Discharge after cauterization of laser erosion

After laser therapy, watery excretions from the vagina may be intensified. In some cases there is bleeding after cauterization of laser erosion.

The doctor can prescribe suppositories (hexicon, methyluracil suppositories and suppositories with sea buckthorn) to reduce the risk of inflammation of the cervix.

Cauterization of erosion: consequences after cauterization by laser

Sex after cauterization of erosion by the laser should be excluded during the first month after the procedure. This is necessary for the best healing of the wound on the cervix and excluding the infection of the open wound during sexual intercourse.

In the case of pregnancy planning after laser erosion treatment, a 3-month period must be observed during which The surface of the epithelium is fully restored and the success of conception is highest.

Laser therapy is an effective contactless method of treating cervical erosion in women of any age. However, the laser method is not used in the case of too large a lesion. In this case, resort to other methods of treatment (cryodestruction, the method of radio waves).

In any case, it is necessary to treat erosion of the cervix, since its presence increases the risk of uterine cancer.