Can I get pregnant not in ovulation?

Essential for women using the physiological as the main method of contraception is the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant not during the period of ovulation, more precisely on the day when it occurs. In order to give him an exhaustive answer, it is necessary to consider the main points of the work of the physiology of the female reproductive system.

What is the ovulatory process?

Once in a calendar month (in norm), approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman with a follicle located in the genital gland leaves a mature egg in the abdominal cavity. It is this process that is called ovulation.

After the sexual cell leaves the bursted follicle, it is viable for 24-48 hours. It is at this time and possible fertilization - the meeting of male and female sex cells.

Is it possible to become pregnant not in days of ovulation?

Considering the above physiological process, it is easy to conclude that fertilization is possible only when the ovum is in the abdominal cavity. In other words, conception is possible only on the day of ovulation, or no later than 48 hours after the onset of the ovulatory process.

Many girls, after learning about this, are perplexed, tk. often can not give an explanation to the fact that pregnancy occurs when a sexual intercourse is absent in the day. In such cases, everything is explained by the physiology of a man, or more precisely, by the peculiarity of his sex cells.

The thing is that spermatozoa, having got into the female reproductive organs, can keep their activity there, viability for 3-5 days. That is why fertilization is possible when a woman makes love, not using contraceptives, 3-5 days before the expected date of ovulation.

Also, do not forget that the ovulatory process itself is influenced by various factors, so it is not constant in the sense that it can occur both earlier and later than usual.

What is the probability of getting pregnant not on the days of ovulation?

Given all of the above, it is impossible to conceive a child in the absence of ovulation in a natural way. A significant reduction in the chances of conception is noted in those women who suffer from inconstancy of the menstrual cycle, a violation of the ovulatory process.

However, it should be said that a small percentage of the fact that a woman can get pregnant not on the days when she usually has ovulation, still exists. The explanation for this can be double ovulation, when the release of eggs from the follicle is observed twice in a single cycle of menstruation.