When to dig a horse-radish?

Timely collection of horseradish is of great importance. While the leaves of the plant remain green, dig out the roots early, because they have not yet accumulated mustard oil - they are still in the leaves and only after a while they will fall under the ground.

Selection of harvesting time

The time when you can already dig out the horse-radish, comes in late autumn - around November. The main thing is that the leaves lie on the ground, withered and withered. This will be the signal to start the horseradish preparation.

Another period when you can dig out the root horseradish - early spring, when the soil just thawed, and there are no green shoots yet. Horseradish winters well in the ground and, collected in this way, is quite suitable for planting with the purpose of reproduction.

If you need horseradish for harvesting, the time when it can be excavated can be anything - like late autumn, and early spring. The main thing is, after collecting it properly store it, so that it remains juicy and spicy.

In addition, it is important to know not only when to dig a horse-radish better, but also how to do it. This process is quite laborious, and as the working tool it is best to use the "sword of Kolesov", which is manufactured in the forge individually under the order. It can also be used for excavating and transplanting seedlings and young seedlings. If the earth is loose, you can try digging out the horseradish with forks.

Cut the horseradish so that the rhizome left a couple of centimeters of leaf petioles, for which you can bind the roots in bundles. Keep the roots of horse radish in a cellar or in a refrigerator. Also they can be dug in wet sand.

How to use horseradish?

Further use of horseradish in cooking should rule out all recipes where the root is scalded or brewed. With this treatment, all volatile compounds that give sharpness and piquant taste, just disappear. Even the wiped horseradish can not be stored in an open container - you must immediately put it in a jar and cover it with a lid.

In addition to an interesting taste, horseradish has medicinal properties. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, B vitamins, organic compounds, micro- and macro elements. It can be used for the prevention of colds in the season of epidemics, and also regularly used as an antitumoral product.

Horseradish excites appetite, normalizes metabolism, stimulates the work of the digestive tract, has choleretic action, helps with rheumatism and joint pain . Preparations based on it are used in many fields of medicine.