How to get rid of aphids on tomatoes?

Every summer resident, growing garden crops, sooner or later faces the appearance of pests. For tomatoes, aphids are one of the insects that can cause significant damage to future crops. Therefore, for truck farmers who are faced with its invasion, the actual question becomes: how to get rid of aphids on tomatoes?

Aphids on tomatoes - what to do?

Aphids are considered a very dangerous pest, which affects the leaves and shoots of tomatoes. There are a large number of its varieties. The most common white aphid on tomatoes . But there are also often situations where gardeners discover black aphids on tomatoes and ask themselves: how to fight it?

The insect sucks the juices from the plants and causes viral diseases. Also aphids cause the formation on the leaves of tomatoes of abnormal neoplasms - galls, which are the source of colonization of other harmful insects.

Intensive reproduction of aphids begins in the spring and reaches a maximum in June. For pests, the emergence of a number of ants that guard the aphids.

The signs of damage to aphids are deformed and twisted leaves of tomatoes. This serves as a signal that it is time to begin urgent measures of struggle.

Than to process tomatoes from aphids - folk remedies

Each summer resident, first of all, seeks to pick up a remedy for aphids on tomatoes, which will cause plants a minimum of harm. Therefore, before using chemicals, gardeners try to get rid of aphids by folk remedies, which include:

  1. Flushing of insects with a stream of water with a small amount.
  2. Use of natural enemies of aphids - ladybird, lacewings, flies-murmurs. The larvae of these beneficial insects can be purchased at specialized stores.
  3. Ash infusion of soap.
  4. Processing of tomatoes diluted in Fairy water.
  5. Infusions of onion peel, bitter pepper, garlic, wormwood, celandine, yarrow.
  6. Tobacco infusion, which repels aphids with its strong smell.

With a strong multiplication of aphids, when it is already impossible to cope with folk remedies, chemical preparations are used. The most effective of them are: "Fufanon", "Aktara", "Fitoverm", "Carbophos", "Chlorine lime", "Trichlorometaphos".

Preventive measure of struggle is a careful autumn cleaning of the garden. For this, the remaining plant tops are burnt.

The use of complex and urgent measures will help you cope with the invasion of aphids and protect your harvest.