Planting strawberries in autumn

Planted strawberries in spring will bear fruit only in a year, except for varietal, which can be purchased in nurseries. Also, a shortage of spring planting will be the fact that in April-May they will have to be planted in unheated soil. In order to get a good harvest of strawberries next summer, it's best to start planting in autumn.

Strawberry planting time in autumn

In fact, planting strawberry bushes is not very difficult. The best period for planting strawberries in autumn is the period from the first decade of August to the third decade of September. Seedlings, planted at this time, will have time to settle down and grow stronger before the onset of frost.

It is advisable to plant strawberries in moist soil, preferably after rain or after careful watering. A wonderful option would be landing in chernozem or dark forest soil. A different soil will do, as the strawberry is almost unpretentious to the soil. True, strawberries, planted in peat or sod-podzolic soil, yield less harvest.

It should be borne in mind that changing strawberries costs every 3-4 years. Optimum will be the planting of 3 beds. In this case, the replacement of bushes will have to be done once a year, but the harvest will be constant. Specialists also recommend changing the arrangement of beds.

Choose a site

A rich harvest can be collected from beds, on which previously grown cereals.

Strawberry does not like lowlands and enclosed spaces. The south-western part of your site will be optimal. This will promote better ripening of berries.

You should not choose the site on which potatoes were grown earlier. The main reason is the probability of contamination of the soil by the larvae of the wireworm and the Colorado beetle . These pests are the main "enemies" of strawberries. Also unsuccessful will be a garden where cucumbers, eggplants, cabbage, and peppers grew. Good "predecessors" are green, garlic, radish, beets, and carrots.

How to plant strawberries in autumn?

Undoubtedly, the increase in yield will be facilitated by the introduction of fertilizers. When preparing the soil, fertilize the garden with manure per 1 sq. M. meter 5 kg.

Seedlings can be grown on their own or purchased in a specialized store. For growing at home, you need to prick the rosette as soon as you leave your main bush. The socket should take root. The very same mustache must be pinched to stop further growth.

For a week of landing in the ground (by no means before) seedlings should be placed in a damp cool room. The root system can be treated with fungicides, which are sold in any flower shop. For planting, the wells are usually preliminarily made 30-40 apart from each other. As a rule, two bush seedlings are planted in one pit. Plant the strawberry deep enough to protect from frost at the level of the growth point (the place where the leaves leave the root).

During planting it is not necessary to keep the bushes in the sun to prevent drying out. After planting the beds should be watered, very carefully, avoiding overflow and trying not to damage the seedlings.

To protect plants from severe frosts, it is better to take care of the snow retention system in advance. Sufficient snow cover will not allow strawberries to die in the winter and will provide the necessary amount of moisture.

How are strawberries processed in the fall?

In the second half of October, sprinkle a bed of peat or wood sawdust with a layer of 5-6 cm. In no case can one himself fall asleep bushes and leaves. Such padding (or otherwise mulching) will help to save the system from frost and destroy many pests.

Many gardeners are wondering what to fertilize strawberries in the fall. The treatment should be carried out in strictly defined terms:

Having fulfilled all the rules, you can get an excellent harvest and annually pamper yourself and your loved ones with a delicious berry.