Kleshchevina - growing from seeds, when planted on seedlings, the basic rules of planting

This high ornamental plant decorates many flower beds and plots, introducing a subtropical design note. What does castor-tree look like, growing out of seeds, when planting, how to do it properly, and how to care for the plant - we'll talk in more detail about this.

Kleshchevina - growing from seeds

The castor oil plant is like a palm tree - tall, with large leaves resembling maple trees. In prickly boxes, seeds resembling beans, but differing in a beautiful pattern, similar to art painting. When the seeds ripen, the boxes dry up. At this point, you can extract the seeds for the upcoming planting.

As a tropical plant, castor-bears like sun and heat, the soil prefers loose and soft soil. Pursuing its cultivation, remember - this is a poisonous plant! Only her seeds are dangerous for life - only seven items eaten can become a lethal dose for a child, and twenty - for an adult.

The most common types of castor oil are:

When to plant castor oil on seedlings?

Seeds of castor oil can simply be planted in the soil, without preliminary manipulation, but in this case, shoots will have to wait a very long time, and out of ten seeds grows no more than 6-7. One option is to plant castor beans for seedlings in the home, with further planting bushes into the open ground. When sowing castor oil on seedlings - this is one of the most important questions. The best time for planting seeds in the soil is the beginning of April.

How to grow castor from seeds?

We have already mentioned that the germination of castor oil seeds is far from complete. At home, there is more likelihood of good germination, but not much. Is it necessary to soak the seeds of castor oil before planting? Yes, this is the point, if you put sunflower seeds into the water for one night, it is more likely that the water will fall under the shell, and the growth process will begin. This process is called stratification.

For soaking, we take the usual water, and ideally rain or thawed, room temperature. Water should not be cold, pay attention to it. Put the seeds in a container of water, they must be completely covered. We do not need to create special conditions, we just leave them for a day, and the next day we plant them in the soil.

Scaffolding of castor seeds

Scarification is a mechanical damage to the hard shell of the seed, it is done to make the moisture get inside the seed, and the growth process begins. This method is widely used for most species of trees and shrubs. Scarification of castor oil is done with sandpaper - the seed must be well rubbed. This destroys the hard shell and allows more moisture to penetrate inside. After the scarification, the seeds should be soaked as described above, after that it can additionally be placed in water with a growth stimulant .

Kleshchevina planting and care

If the planting of castor oil for seedlings was carried out correctly, by June you should have small but strong bushes ready to be planted in the open ground. Before planting the plant should be well watered several times, so that the whole clod of earth is well soaked. The fact is that, for all its unpretentiousness, castor oil is very afraid of transplantation - the slightest damage to the roots can ruin it, so it should be extracted carefully.

Preliminarily prepare the hole in the ground, extract the plant from the pot along with a clod of soil and, without shaking the ground, place it in the open ground. We fall asleep with castor earth, we compact it and water it abundantly. If the root system is not damaged, the plant adapts very quickly. An adult plant in nursing is very unpretentious and does not require much attention.

What is the maintenance of castor-oil grown from seeds - in the timely removal of weeds, which at first can prevent it from growing. But even this problem is easy to solve once, having covered up the soil . The only thing that should be provided for castor oil in the garden is a regular and abundant watering.

How to plant castor from seeds?

Let's consider one more variant, as a castor oil plant is planted from seeds, when to plant them in an open ground, and how to do it correctly. Determine the timing - it should be a warm spring, when you are sure that there will be no more cooling. This is done closer to the middle of May. Planting seeds in the open ground is not very different from the instructions how to properly plant castor oil on seedlings - beforehand it is necessary to rub them with emery paper, soak in water for a day, and after and in the growth stimulator.

Planting seeds, consider their low germination. In each hole it is necessary to place on 2 large good seeds or three medium. If several will arise, the weaker germs can be removed immediately. So that the seeds in the soil are not affected by the cold, the first days after planting, it's worth covering the crops with film for at least a night.

How much does castor beetle?

Kleshchevina, if grown from seeds directly in the soil, rises at different times, depending on when to plant, from compliance with the rules for preparing seeds for planting, and air temperature. If the weather is already warm, there are no cold snaps, and the first days of the sowings were carried out under a film, then it is not difficult to foresee how many days castor bees - it's normally 7-10 days.

If you did not soak the seeds, did not do the scarification procedure, and just planted them in the hole, the shoots will have to wait a little longer - earlier than two weeks they are unlikely to appear. Crops, which in the soil were very cold, rise even longer, and the first shoots may have to wait about a month.