Can I water strawberries during flowering?

Strawberries .. Is there anyone among us who is indifferent to this sweet fragrant berry, which is so pleasant to enjoy in raw form or to treat ourselves as a tasty jam? Many owners of summer cottages and garden plots try first of all to plant the land with this particular culture. And this despite the fact that the strawberry - a pretty whimsical and capricious plant, requiring a lot of effort. There are many nuances of growing sweet berries. We will talk about what most often worries about gardeners, namely: can I water strawberries during flowering and how to properly implement the procedure if necessary.

Do they water strawberries during flowering?

In general, watering is an integral part of caring for strawberries in case you want to get a good and stable crop. And it is important to clarify that beds with berries should be watered regularly. The fact is that the root system of the plant is located shallow under the surface of the earth, and therefore the scoop of moisture from the lower layers is beyond its control. A special lack of moisture in the strawberry senses during flowering, when all the forces of small strawberry bushes go to the development of the future harvest. If at this time do not water the beds, the fruits will be very small in size and slightly sour taste. In addition, the roots of the plant, which usually dry out during drought, also suffer. Thus, to water strawberries during flowering is necessary, if you want healthy plants and stable fruiting.

How to water a blossoming strawberry?

First of all we will understand how often it is necessary to water the beds with strawberries. In non-hot weather bushes watered every three to four days. In extremely hot days, when moisture evaporates very quickly, the procedure is necessary for flowering strawberries about three to four times a week, that is, every other day. However, take into account the natural conditions. If a good rain has passed, precipitation can be counted for watering. So, if you are interested in how many times to water strawberries during flowering, it is 2 times a week in cool weather and 3-4 times a week on hot days. When watering strawberry beds at flowering, it is important to take into account the time of day. The morning hours are optimal for this purpose. The fact is that overmoistening is dangerous for the plant - gray rot can develop, which affects the berries and roots themselves, which inevitably leads to the death of bushes. Therefore, watering in the morning will allow moisture to dry by the evening and not damage the strawberries. Take into account that the approximate norm of the amount of water per square meter of beds with strawberries is 15-20 liters. If meteorologists for the next few days transmit a forecast of cloudy weather with abundant precipitation of abundant precipitation, which lasts for several days, we recommend covering the area with berries with a film.

Separately it is worth mentioning about the way of watering strawberries during flowering. Because of the danger of damage to bushes and ripening berries rot, water is directed to the root, trying not to touch parts of the plant. If you have a small plot, draw water into the garden watering can and pour each bush, directing the tip of the spout to the root. Large beds are better to water using a hose. It should include a small head of water. As the soil is moistened, the hose is neatly dragged to neighboring areas where there has not been watering yet. An excellent option will be drip irrigation.

As for whether it is possible to water the flowering strawberry with sprinkling, then, unfortunately, this rather convenient method for the development of buds on bushes is unacceptable. All the matter is in the same reasons that were mentioned above: the moisture that will get to the aboveground part of the plants, can lead to the appearance of gray rot already ripening fruits. For the same reason, it is recommended to collect the ripe berries before watering.