Repair of studio apartment

Studio apartment is most often purchased in a new building, so it is possible to realize any own ideas of repair, to do everything in accordance with their taste and desires. Beautiful renovation, modern design and stylish interior studio apartment - the task is not easy, so to solve it better to invite professionals.

Repair begins with the fact that floors and walls are perfectly leveled, and you just have to think about the finishing materials for them. Do not save on the quality of materials, because the floor and walls - this is the basis of design in the apartment. It is very important that the finish of the floor and walls look harmonious with each other.

It is also important to determine the design of the ceiling, this surface solves not only design, but also technical problems, under it you can hide wiring, air ducts for air conditioners, various metal structures.

Thoroughly think over what material will be used for partitions in the bathroom, here it should be taken into account that it must be moisture resistant, strong and have the ability to noise insulation. If the apartment is large in area, you can make a partition and in the kitchen, so you can cook, without interfering with the rest of the family.

Studio apartment design

It is best to perform designer renovation of studio apartment, especially if there are no own skills in this area. Experienced specialist will select for the repair and interior design of the studio apartment the style that best suits this room, take into account, at the same time, the area of ​​housing, lighting, the number of family members.

The main thing in such repairs is the competent division of the apartment into functional zones, so that everyone living in it would be comfortable and cozy, and at the same time the housing looked statistically, harmoniously and modern.