Dream Interpretation - War and Interpretations of Dreams Related to War

The war is associated with terrible events, and therefore from the dreams in which the fighting took place, nothing good can not be expected. As any dream book says - in most cases war is a warning of any trouble.

What does the war for a man dream about?

For the representatives of the stronger sex, dreams of war often serve as an indication that something is going wrong in life and an adjustment needs to be made.

  1. Farewell to the lover before going to the front promises unexpected joys that will occur in the near future.
  2. It is worthwhile to figure out what the war is about for the man on whom he died, so this is a harbinger of sad events. Dream interpretation indicates possible dangers on the road, so be careful.
  3. Young warfare warrior dreams of failure in his personal life, and a married man dreams of conflict with his wife.
  4. A positive interpretation has a dream in which the bombing of the native city took place, so this story portends a vacation in nature.
  5. Dream military maneuvers, then expect changes that can affect different aspects of life.

What does the war for a woman dream about?

Dreams about military operations can torment and representatives of the fair sex and their interpretation can be found in many dream books:

  1. If the girl had to accompany her lover to the war - this is a signal that it is worth doubting the sincerity of a partner.
  2. There is information about what the war is about a girl in whom she took an active part, so in most cases it is a harbinger of material problems.
  3. Night vision, where the war was lost, heralds the emergence of health problems.
  4. To see a war in a dream from a side means you need to be alert, because every ill-considered decision can lead to a loss of reputation.

Why is the declaration of war dreaming?

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to take into account the existing details of the plot and to compare the available values ​​with the events of real life.

  1. Night vision, in which the dreamer heard the news of the beginning of hostilities and experienced strong fear at the same time, personifies uncertainty in his own abilities.
  2. Seeing a war in a dream and hearing an announcement on the radio or television about the introduction of troops is a harbinger of difficult times. Still it can mean, that at work there is a serious conversation with the heads.
  3. A dream in which a message was heard about the outbreak of war in another country is a good sign, indicating that it will be possible to cope with problems alone or they will bypass it.

Why dream of preparing for war?

Other interpretations have dreams in which preparations for military action were taking place:

  1. Watching how the army is going and going to war is a warning that in the life of many people there will be major changes.
  2. Another meaning to what the war in a dream dreams, indicates that the preparation for military actions promises a lot of trouble.
  3. Night vision, where we had to watch the preparations for war, warns about the risk of physical or psychological violence.

Why dream that the war began?

In the dream books there are several explanations of what a dream can predict, in which hostilities unfold:

  1. The dream of war, that is, the beginning of military operations, interprets, as a warning about the precariousness of the situation in society. He gives a recommendation that you need to throw all your strengths to correct the situation. This can also be an indication of the preparation of a trap by enemies.
  2. To hear that the war began in his native city means that close people are proud of a dreamer.
  3. It is worthwhile to figure out what the beginning of the war between states is about, so in most cases it is a signal about the emergence of material problems. Dream interpretation recommends in advance to save money for your own safety.
  4. Night vision, in which the dreamer decided to become a volunteer at the time of the outbreak of war, warns of serious health problems, so it is necessary to respond even to minor ailments.

Why dream of participating in the war?

Dreams associated with military actions often appear to alarm, but for a more precise interpretation, consider the details of the plot:

  1. A dream about a war in which a dreamer was a participant and aircraft flew over his head, foreshadows a business trip accompanied by troubles.
  2. To get in a war under bombing is a signal about a serious conflict connected with relatives. If it was possible to survive, then the troubles will pass without consequences.
  3. The night vision, in which it was necessary to participate in the battle and defend from the attack of enemies, indicates that soon it will be necessary to defend one's own point of view, intending to go on a conflict with the environment.
  4. Describes a dream book - a war during which during a battle it was necessary to get physical injuries, promises troubles or illnesses.
  5. The dream, which had to participate in the war, and it ended in victory, promises success in the business and personal sphere.

Why dream of hiding from the war?

The dream in which it was possible to hide from hostilities is a good sign, predicting the possibility of avoiding difficulties. Please note that this will be only a temporary lull and after a while problems can resume. There are other interpretations why the war is dreaming, on which it was necessary to hide:

  1. Often, dreams with such a plot mean that due to your own cunning you can avoid various troubles.
  2. Night vision, where it was necessary to hide from enemies because of fear, portends an unpleasant conversation with the authorities.
  3. Sleep in which you had to hide in order to unexpectedly attack the enemy, is a good sign, indicating the opportunity to defeat the opponent.
  4. Which means that if the war is dreaming, during which the enemies still find shelter for the dreamer, then at work in the team there will be trouble, but they will help to reveal the available potential and reach great heights.

Why does the nuclear war?

It's hard to imagine anything more terrible than a nuclear war, and a similar plot in a dream portends serious life problems. Snyknik points out that the dreamer has a lot of anger in his soul and needs to lose the negative in order to change his life. There are other interpretations of why the nuclear war dreamed:

  1. Watching the atomic explosion in your dream is a harbinger of the many changes in life. Some dream books specify that changes will concern a greater degree of personal life.
  2. If in a dream there was only heard a message about the beginning of a nuclear war, then, soon, bad news will come about relatives.
  3. Dreamed of a war, during which there was a nuclear explosion - it is the personification of the accumulated negative. It is recommended to relax and change to improve your life.
  4. The night vision, in which it was necessary to observe the consequences of a nuclear explosion, indicates the emergence of problems in the family. Still it can be the prevention or warning about illness or disease of the close person.

What is the dream of the Great Patriotic War?

If you had to see the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War in your dreams - this is a warning that you have to defend your own interests in the near future. The dream, in which it was possible to defeat the Germans, means that the conflict will be resolved successfully. In the dream books, you can find other interpretations of what the war with the Germans is dreaming of:

  1. The night vision, in which the fascists figured, serves as an indication that you need to pay attention to your family, because relatives need support and protection.
  2. To take part in the Great Patriotic War in a dream is a prediction that the dreamer and relatives will face different troubles.
  3. Indicates a dream book - a war in which the Germans kill a dreamer, foreshadows that the plans for the future are under great threat.
  4. Seeing the Germans wearing helmets that are preparing for an attack is a signal that it's time to take a break from work and devote time to a hobby.

What is the meaning of the civil war?

Watching in a dream of how civil war begins means that in the near future the country will be calm and possible changes in the political arena will not affect people's well-being. There is another option, which means that if the war (civil) is dreaming is the personification of an internal conflict. The dream interpreter recommends the dreamer to stop to understand himself and correctly prioritize. The night vision in which the civil war was taking place, and around it shots were heard, presages uneasy rivalry , and in the conflicts dishonest methods will be used.

Why do we have a wound in the war?

A dream, in which a wound was received during military operations, warns that soon it is necessary to become a victim of love intrigues. Another similar plot can be a harbinger of serious health problems. Night vision, which had to drag a wounded friend, promises betrayal and deception. Finding out what war means in a dream and getting injured, it is worth considering the place where the bullet hit: