Which teethers are better for teeth?

Usually the teeth of babies begin to appear at 6-7 months, sometimes sooner or later. The process is painful, and moms try to alleviate the suffering of the crumbs. In this case, teethers come to the aid , but which ones to choose among the assortment presented in the shops, it is necessary to understand. The product looks like a small toy, which can be gnawed at by a carp. But when buying should be guided not only by the appearance, but also by some other nuances.

Types of teethers

First you need to figure out what these accessories might look like:

  1. Material. Products can be made of silicone. This material is quite tough, it is distinguished by its durability and reliability. But they require careful care, since dust and wool easily adhere to it.
  2. Rubber teethers are popular, they are softer, and therefore spoil faster.

    It is worth noting that products come with gel or water. Pre-cooled accessory helps to reduce pain in the child.

    Also there are teethers with vibration, which has a massage effect and generally attracts the baby.

    Plastic products are also on sale, they usually look like a rattle.

  3. The form. You can purchase an accessory of very different appearance. Manufacturers offer products in the form of animals, machines and other shapes.
  4. Also there are pacifiers, special brushes on the finger of the mother, and even books.

  5. Appointment. Those who are interested in what teethers for teeth are better, it is worth knowing that the product must be selected depending on the age of the baby and his needs. Only then will the product be able to perform its function as much as possible. So, for cutters, a stage 1 erector is required. It is desirable that they are silicone, comfortable shape, which the baby can easily take in hand.
  6. For canines and first molars - 2 stages. They should be rigid enough, have lateral ledges.

    For the back teeth there are teethers of the third stage. These are combined products, with different protrusions.

    Also, there are universal accessories that are suitable for all ages.

Features of choice

To choose the best teethers for teeth, remember the following:

Each kid is individual, because he may have his own preferences. So it is worthwhile to offer him different versions of the products so that he can make his choice.