8 examples confirming that no good deed goes unpunished

They say, do good to people, and it will return to you many times. Many do so, considering it is sometimes very erroneous that in our world, as in a children's fairy-tale, good always wins evil.

In real life, often human vices take precedence, and sometimes it turns out, not as in a fairy tale, but as an anecdote.

An expensive car came to a remote village. A man comes out of him in a respectable manner and heads to the poorest hut on the outskirts of the village. At the grandmother who came out to meet him, he asks:

"Do you remember, grandmother, many years ago you gave shelter to an orphan in a ragged little coat, fed and heated?"

- Of course, I remember, a nice person.

- So, it's me, grandmother. I came to you for my coat.

Here are 8 examples of such situations when the good should have returned, but it was delayed on the way or completely lost from the route.

1. A laptop is not a luxury, but a means of raising young children.

2. The eleventh commandment says: He who did not give the phone, be damned.

3. The phone is good, but the iPhone is better. I would have learned to fool with him.

4. From the point A to the point B they were supposed to deliver the bags with pleasure in exchange for bags of food. Did not work out...

5. It is a pity that her husband was not a pilot, the aircraft would be by the way.

6. Kinder do not want - go to the black list.

7. Neighbors should help!

8. The cabinets are breaking