Water purification systems for a country house

Even at the time of planning the construction of a country house, it is necessary to take care of domestic water purification systems for it. This far from simple question can be solved with the help of special organizations that provide services to check the quality of water, meet its hygienic standards, and in addition produce installation and maintenance of the filtration system.

Some 20-30 years ago, to get drinking water in the house it was enough to punch a well on the site and use water for cooking and various technical needs. Modern requirements and sanitary standards do not coincide completely with the quality of water that is pouring from under the ground, as environmental pollution gradually gets to the bowels of the earth, from where it starts drinking water in our tap.

But not only chemical pollution makes water unsuitable for human use. Without a competent system of drinking water purification for a country house, natural salts of heavy metals (iron, aluminum, manganese, copper, zinc, etc.), lime, sand, silt, hydrogen sulphide and even bacteria can enter the body for years.

Sooner or later this "cocktail" will have a detrimental effect on the health of the household and once the decision to save money on cleaning the water in a private home will be a serious mistake. To prevent this from happening, you should study the market for such services and choose the product that is suitable for your water, or rather, its composition.

What is cleaning water in a country house?

Depending on the number of people living in the house, and hence the consumption of water, calculate how much power cleaning equipment will be required. A prerequisite for its installation will be the presence of electricity in the house. The system can be complex or consist only of the selected filters, namely:

Installed filtration systems should be continuous, as they are located in a residential building and access to clean water should be stable.

Mechanical Filters

These types of filters, divided into filters of coarse and fine cleaning, are designed to remove all available mechanical inclusions from the water. And this is silt, sand, lime, rust and other, which is enough in the old worn-out water pipe, which delivers water to the living quarters. Most of the existing inclusions suffer from domestic appliances and mechanisms - boilers, washing machines, plumbing, mixers. Installation of mechanics will extend the life of equipment in a country house and the health of its residents.

Softening filters

Modern filters are able to work even without electricity on the backup power for 48 hours. These devices are not subject to the influence of the environment are filled with special means to make drinking water usable. Having installed such a system, the result will be visible at once - scale will cease to form in the electric kettle.

Multifunctional filters

The most widespread are carbon filters, which allow to purify water from all kinds of impurities, both mechanically by filtration, and chemical, due to the influence of the adsorbent itself. To improve its effectiveness in activated charcoal, silver is often added, which prevents the growth of microorganisms.

Ultraviolet irradiators

Then, when the silver does not cope with a large number of microorganisms in the water, ultraviolet sterilizers come to the rescue. Flowing through a bulb with a lamp, water is disinfected and it can be drunk even without boiling, without worrying for one's health. The filtration system in a country house, as a rule, is installed in the basement, as many devices have impressive dimensions. If filters of a small size are selected, they can be installed in a spacious bathroom or hidden under a sink in the kitchen .