Remote light switch

We are all accustomed to conventional switches that work by pressing a button. But in addition to these traditional devices, today there are other, more modern and progressive ones on sale. These are switches, such as sensors, and also equipped with an indicator, dimmer or light control. And one of the most convenient is a light switch with remote control. Let's look at its main characteristics.

Features of the remote light switch

Such a device has a large range of action (up to 100 m), allowing you to include it from virtually anywhere in your apartment.

There are three types of these switches:

  1. Equipped with a motion sensor - they usually use an infrared port. Such switches "light" the light when there is any movement in the room.
  2. Acoustic (with sound perception) - turn on, reacting to the programmed sound (cotton, loudly spoken word, etc.). Consumers note these models as very practical.
  3. With the remote control - works thanks to the radio signal, which is transmitted from the remote to a special receiver.

The most progressive models combine all three of these types, and also respond to a wave of the arm just before the switch.

Advantages of remote switches

The convenience of using such a switch is as follows:

In short, the remote switch not only performs its basic function, but also has many other, additional, which makes its operation as comfortable as possible.

With regard to the features of connecting the remote light switch, it depends on what kind of lamps the device will interact with. If these are ordinary incandescent lamps, then the connection of the device will be the same as the connection of conventional electrical switches. Energy-saving and LED lamps have their differences - for example, they should be installed as close to the lighting device as possible.