Pathology of the head

Quite often the reason for the absence of children in a married couple is the pathology of the sperm head in a man. As a rule, this is revealed in the course of numerous analyzes and studies in which both sex partners participate. Among pathologies of the head, teratozoospermia is the most popular. It implies the presence of a large number of carriers of genetic information having any abnormal structure, which prevents them from fulfilling their direct "mission."

Pathologies of the sperm head

There are several types of anomalous structure of the head part of the spermatozoon :

Also in medical practice, sometimes there are other variants of the abnormal structure, size or shape of the sperm head, for example, the pathology of the acrosome, one of its components.

How is the treatment of teratozoospermia head pathology treated?

As a rule, this disease does not have a clear medical course of treatment. It is assumed that drugs containing a specific amino acid, which can improve the process of sperm production. It is recommended to perform an operation to eliminate varicose veins of the testicles and spermatic cord. Usually, after such an operation, the spermatogram of the sperm head pathology significantly improves and the chances of conception increase. However, in most cases it is better to resort to ICSI and IVF.

Causes that affect the appearance of sperm pathologies

There is a certain group of factors that can trigger the occurrence of anomalies in the structure of spermatozoa, namely:

Anomalies in the development of male genital organs

Its negative "contribution" to an inferior sexual life and the inability to have children is brought by the most diverse congenital abnormal structure of the genital organs in men. A separate place in the classification of such diseases is occupied by various pathologies of the penis, which include:

What are the pathologies of the male member and the head?

There are a lot of them, but the most common are:

As a rule, they all require surgical intervention and are a congenital anomaly.