Divigel in planning pregnancy

The divigel is an estrogen preparation for external use. Has a feminizing effect, stimulates the development of the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, stroma and ducts of the mammary glands. Promotes regular menstruation, affecting the timely rejection of the endometrium.

The action of the Divigel begins after it is absorbed through the skin. Most of it gets into the bloodstream right away, part - is released from the subcutaneous tissue gradually.

Divigel is a method of application

The dosage is determined on an individual basis. The course of treatment should be cyclical or continuous. The daily dose of the Divigel should be rubbed into the skin of the lower part of the anterior wall of the abdomen or on the skin of the buttocks. The application area should be 1-2 palms. In this case, the right and left sides alternate. After application, the skin should be allowed to dry for several minutes.

Divigel - side effects and contraindications

Usually the drug does not lead to side effects or they are mild. There are swelling of the mammary glands, headaches, swelling, weight gain, unplanned vaginal bleeding, nausea, increased blood pressure, irritation of the skin at the place of rubbing the gel.

As for contraindications, the Divigel can not be used for breast cancer, estrogen-dependent tumors, vaginal bleeding of unexplained etiology, thrombosis, endometrial hyperplasia , acute and chronic liver diseases, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation, and porphyria.

Дивигель and pregnancy - for what it is necessary?

Divigel in the planning of pregnancy is prescribed in the case when a woman is diagnosed with a thin endometrium. Since normal pregnancy requires compliance with at least two factors - the presence of a healthy embryo and normal thickness of the endometrium to accept the embryo, it is clear that a small thickness of the endometrium in the middle of the cycle (ie, less than 7 mm) significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.

With an endometrium thickness of less than 5 mm, the probability that you will be able to conceive is only 1%. So what to do to build up the thickness of the endometrium? And why is it that the thickness of the endometrium does not correspond to the norm?

The first cause of thin endometrium is dyshormonal condition. The thickness of the endometrium is increased by the action of estrogens - they are produced by follicles at the end of the early follicular phase menstrual cycle. And with the further growth of the dominant follicle, the level of estrogen increases and leads to a thickening of the endometrium.

If the maturation of the dominant follicle is disturbed, it becomes the cause of a thin endometrium, since it is simply nowhere to take it. Therefore, often doctors prescribe the use of an artificial analogue of the hormone estrogen in the form of a divigel.

However, you should not rush with taking hormonal estrogen-containing drugs. First, you need to understand the causes of folliculogenesis and ovulation and try to eliminate them. In particular - to achieve normalization of prolactin level.