Dyufaston in the planning of pregnancy

Such a drug as Duphaston, is often prescribed to women in the planning of pregnancy. Let's try to figure out what kind of drug it is and why it is intended for those who are preparing to become a mother.

What is Duphaston?

Active component of the drug is dydrogesterone. In essence, it is a synthetic analogue of the known hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. It is his shortage that is often seen as the main cause of problems with conception in women.

Dufaston itself is well tolerated, has virtually no side effects and does not have any effect on the metabolic processes in the body. Similar to this drug previously issued medicines, could not "boast" this because were created on the basis of testosterone, which caused a large number of side effects.

What are the features of using Dufaston during pregnancy planning?

Before a woman starts to take Dufaston while planning a pregnancy, the doctor must necessarily determine the reason for which conception does not occur. The purpose of the drug is only if it lies in pronounced progesterone insufficiency.

To begin with, it must be said that the course of therapy with this medication is quite long and, as a rule, takes at least 6 months, i.ะต. the woman takes the drug for 6 menstrual cycles in a row.

When appointing Dufaston in planning pregnancy, the attention of the future mother is sharpened by how to properly drink it. Reception is performed according to a strictly defined scheme, in particular: in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, after the passage of ovulation (on average from 11 to 25 days).

It is also necessary to say that even after conception and the onset of pregnancy, the drug is continued. On average, the therapeutic process with this medication lasts up to 20 weeks of gestation. Otherwise, there is a possibility of a threat of termination of pregnancy or spontaneous abortion, which can be observed as a result of a sharp decline in the level of progesterone in the blood. With rapid withdrawal of the drug, the development of such a situation is inevitable. That is why, when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor the duration of Dufaston's admission, and strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

According to the instructions of the drug Dufaston, when planning pregnancy, it is prescribed in a dosage of 10 mg per day. However, everything depends on the degree of lack of progesterone in the body. That is why, in order to properly drink the drug Dufaston and keep the dosage, when planning pregnancy, first establish the concentration of this hormone in the blood, and only then prescribe treatment. It is also worth noting that this medication is effective only when it is established that the cause of infertility is the lack of progesterone in the woman's blood.

What are the contraindications to the appointment of the drug?

As with any pharmaceutical, Dufaston has its own contraindications for use. To such it is possible to carry:

Thus, I would like to once again say that the scheme for taking Dufaston during pregnancy planning is calculated individually, based on the characteristics of the future mother's organism and the severity of the disorder.