God Yahweh

The patron of the Jews is the god Yahweh - who has many names God of the Old Testament. The cult of God Yahweh existed before the Jewish tribes merged into the state of Israel and implied the existence of other gods among other peoples.

Cult of the Jewish God Yahweh

The cult of God Yahweh originally existed in the Jewish tribe. Other Jewish tribes honored their gods - Anata, Shaddaya, Moloch, Tammuz. God Yahweh at that time portrayed in the form of a lion and a bull. When the descendants of Judah became the initiators of the unification of the Jewish people, Yahweh became the patron of the entire Israeli kingdom. This changed the appearance of Yahweh - it became like a human being.

According to the Jews, Yahweh lived on Mount Sinai, so it was there that services were produced, including obligatory blood sacrifices. And not only animals, but also people - enemies of the Jewish people were sacrificed.

The Jewish god Yahweh often communicated with people directly, descending from the sky in the form of light or a fire column. The special love of Yahweh was enjoyed by Moses, to whom this god first named his name, helped to take his people out of Egypt, and also gave the tablets with the Commandments. These events are described in detail in the Old Testament.

Modern researchers who have studied the Old and New Testaments in detail note that the God in these parts of the Bible is described quite differently, and some key events, for example, the creation of the world, also diverge. That is why there arose a lot of assumptions about who the god Yahweh actually was. According to versions of some researchers it was a demon, cruel and demanding bloody sacrifices.

According to another version, the god Yahweh has an extraterrestrial origin. Here are a few facts to prove this theory:

Today, the famous Jehovah's Witnesses worship the god Yahweh.