The crisis of 30 years for women

They say that the age of thirty is the best time in a woman's life, because the appearance is still the same as in twenty, and the brains are much larger. However, many women have a crisis in 30 years, because not everyone has managed to achieve what they wanted and have to be content with what is. How he manifests himself - in this article.

Symptoms of the crisis of 30 years in women

They include:

  1. Rethinking the importance of previous achievements. It often happens that in the pursuit of money and career growth, a person does not notice how his spiritual world is changing, and realizing it, dramatically changes his life, refusing from six-digit fees in favor of something else - family, life in the bosom of nature, etc. .
  2. Regret about missed opportunities. The crisis for women, and for men, manifests itself in the fact that a person begins to regret that he could, but did not, did not have time, etc. Every now and then he thinks about it, but what would happen if ...?
  3. Discontent with yourself. This applies not only to reflecting in the mirror and already begun to manifest themselves diseases, but also their behavior. There are doubts in their skills, which previously seemed ideal. For example, a woman who used to dress with a good taste and was able to apply makeup , begins to doubt that she has time to follow the fashion.
  4. The crisis of the thirty-year-old age in women manifests itself as an obsession with its financial situation. If young people do not think much about this and take care of their parents as a matter of fact, now it is simply untenable to hope for their help, because they need to not only provide themselves, but also help them.
  5. Pretentiousness towards others. The crisis manifests itself as discontent with relations with the husband, children, friends. The latter often turn out to be those for whom they gave themselves out, the children do not justify their hopes, just like the husband. It seems to the woman that her young years are going away and that she is changing something late in her life, although she clearly feels the need for change. At this stage many people get divorced, create new relationships, change jobs, etc.
  6. Envy. Any age crisis for women is to compare themselves with their peers and most often not in their favor. A woman envies a more successful classmate, who has everything she can dream about, while she herself does not have a small part of it.
  7. Apathy and reluctance to do everything that used to bring joy - meetings with friends, trips to clubs, cafes, movies, theaters, etc. It seems that life has passed and nothing good, and new in it will not be.