Psychosis - symptoms

In some people's lives, grief sometimes happens: one of their relatives surrounds with a psychosis, as a result, the relative turns into a completely different person. As you know, psychosis is a group of mental disorders that can cause a distorted perception of the world around the patient, and their symptoms are very diverse.

There are two groups of mental disorders. Classification depends on the cause of the disease. Thus, the first group includes diseases caused by organic damage to the human nervous system. To the second - diseases caused by psychological factors, the genetic peculiarity of the nervous system.

Psychosis - Symptoms and Treatment

All types of psychosis have such common symptoms as:

  1. Affective reactions, characterized by strangeness.
  2. Inadequate behavior of the patient.
  3. Perception of reality, not true.
  4. Difficulties with perception of reality.

In case of psychosis, it is necessary to consult a specialist. He should explain to the relatives of the patient how to get rid of the psychotic symptoms and, if necessary, prescribe the medicine to the patient.

Alcoholic psychosis - symptoms

This type of psychosis is a violation in the mental activity of a person, manifested in the second and third stages of alcohol dependence.

There are the following types of alkopsychoses:

  1. Alcoholic delirium (popularly known as "white fever"). Symptoms: the craving for alcohol disappears, there are frequent mood changes, trembling in the limbs, the patient often sees nightmares, suffers from insomnia, hallucinations.
  2. Hallucinosis. Symptoms: auditory hallucinations, persecution mania, an attack on people (supposedly to prevent their aggression), decreased emotionality.
  3. Pseudo-paralysis. Symptoms: mental degradation, megalomania is manifested, the patient soon exhibits passivity to the surrounding world, pain in the limbs is manifested.
  4. Encephalopathy. Symptoms: metabolic disorders , liver function, hypovitaminosis is observed.

Reactive psychosis and its symptoms

Reactive psychosis manifests itself as a result of the influence of factors that carry a particular significance or threaten the life of the patient. The main feature of this psychosis is that it disappears as soon as the causes of the problem are eliminated.

The main symptoms include:

  1. Excitation and inhibition (reactions with excitation are expressed by chaotic movements, with retardation in another way: the patient falls into a stupor, can not move).
  2. The behavior is accompanied by a loud laugh or sobbing.
  3. The correct orientation in time and place is violated.

Depressive psychosis - symptoms

This disease occurs in the form of depressive attacks, which manifest with interruptions. Theirs, the patient goes personally, whole, without any changes.


  1. Depressed mood.
  2. The inhibition in the motor and mental processes.
  3. The oppressive feeling of an inescapable state.
  4. Feeling, pinching in the heart.
  5. Apathy to relatives.
  6. A mournful expression on his face.
  7. Life, from the point of view of the patient, does not make sense, he does not see prospects in the future.

Psychosis in children and its symptoms

Childhood psychosis is a group of severe disorders. The most common are: childhood schizophrenia and children's autism.

Common symptoms:

  1. There is a tendency for the patient to cause himself any injuries.
  2. Closure , the complexity of building interpersonal relationships.
  3. Interest in inanimate objects. Strange actions towards them from the sick child.
  4. Violations of speech.
  5. Increased anxiety.
  6. Violation of motility.

Paranoid psychosis - symptoms

It is a delusional disorder. The main symptom is that the patient claims that they are trying very hard to influence him with the help of magic, high-precision equipment. Often, this psychosis is observed in schizophrenia.

Postpartum psychosis and its symptoms

The causes of this psychotic condition are the complications that arose during childbirth.


  1. Auditory hallucinations.
  2. Inadequate self-esteem.
  3. Thoughts of suicide, murder.
  4. Abnormal thinking. Inability to explain correctly.
  5. An upset of appetite.

It is important to remember that the earlier the psychosis is revealed, the easier it will be to overcome it.