Panic disorders

In pursuit of well-being, the realization of his dreams, promotion of the career ladder, no one is immune from the occurrence of violations in mental health. This applies, in the first place, the appearance of mental disorders, among which the most common are panic attacks .

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

Often, inexperienced doctors instead of seeing panic disorders diagnose "vegetative-vascular dystonia." Moreover, many patients and treat the whole life is absolutely not what is required. But the main symptom of panic disorder is anxiety, which manifests itself sporadically. When this violation bursts into life, a person experiences heart palpitations, he is horribly embraced for no reason, palms sweat, his head turns. Some people even have a feeling of suffocation.

There are many varieties of this mental disorder. So, the patient may have a feeling of unreality of what is happening. Experiencing such unpleasant symptoms, he has a fear of death. The most interesting thing is that sometimes the symptoms of panic attacks are taken for obvious signs of a stroke or asthma.

Speaking about the duration, it is worth noting that they last an average of 15 minutes. However, after this the person is still in an anxious state for another hour.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the fact that psychiatrists do not consider this disorder to be something like madness. It can be easily cured with antidepressants or tranquilizers.

Causes of Panic Disorder

Disorders of the disorder can be observed both daily and weekly. At the moment, their nature is not fully understood, but one thing became clear: the impetus for their appearances is bodily discomfort, self-intimidation ("I read that dizziness is the first sign of a heart attack"). So, the fair sex is susceptible to attacks during the menopause. During this period, dizziness becomes more frequent, the blood quickly flows to the head, which provokes the appearance of unusual sensations.

Consequences of panic disorder

Panic attacks, first of all, are a clear sign that you need to reconsider your beliefs, the course of your thoughts, which often causes anxiety. Sometimes it is their catastrophism that acts as a button for launching. If you do not take any measures, with another attack, think that everything will pass by itself, then this way you can acquire not only a number of psychosomatic diseases (the same vegeto-vascular dystonia ), but there will also be a fear of visiting certain places ("I suddenly again will I start to panic there? ")