16 personality types

Currently popular is the Myers-Briggs typology, which allows to divide all into 16 personality types according to Jung. It was this scientist who in the 1940s developed a system that was widely used in the EU and the US. This typology is used in business, and also those who wish to determine their profession are tested . There is also a typology that divides people into 16 socionic types - this option is also popular and exists along with the first.

16 types of personality according to Jung: types of people

The MBTI test, developed on the basis of Young's theory by the scientists Myers and Briggs, includes 8 scales that are connected in pairs with each other.

After testing, a person begins to better understand what his preferences, aspirations and principles are. Consider the scales in more detail:

1. The E-I scale tells about the general orientation of consciousness:

2. Scale S-N - reflects the selected way of orientation in the situation:

3. Scale T-F - how people make decisions:

4. The J-P scale - how the solution is prepared:

When a person passes a test, he gets a four-letter designation (for example, ISTP), which designates one of 16 types.

Socionics: 16 personality types

This typology in many respects is similar to the previous one, but after passing the test a person receives not a letter or numerical designation, but the name of a "pseudonym" of his psychotype . Typologies two - by the names of famous people (it was developed by A.Augustinavichyute), and by the type of personality proposed by V.Gulenko. Thus, 16 types have the following designations:

In popular sources, you can find simplified test options, in which there are only a few questions, but their accuracy is usually not high. In order for the diagnosis to be accurate, it is worth turning to the full version.