When to replant strawberries in the summer?

Is it possible to meet a man indifferent to the sweet, fragrant berry, queen of the garden - strawberry? How much effort, how much work you need to invest every season, so as a result, for two or three weeks to enjoy an unforgettable taste of juicy egg-shaped fruit. But, despite the fact that the strawberry - "young lady" capricious, engaged in it from year to year a large number of owners of summer residences and plots. In addition to the subcortex and watering, the garden strawberry requires a mandatory transplant to a new location. However, many, especially inexperienced gardeners, may have difficulties with when to replant strawberries. We will tell you about the possibility and timing of its transplantation in the summer.

Is it possible to transplant the strawberries in the summer?

Beginning gardeners are sure that it is necessary to transplant this crop only in the spring or autumn, when it is much easier for bushes to settle in a new place. In fact, the procedure is quite feasible and in the summer, however, will have to put more effort.

"Redeployment" to a new location is necessary not only because the plant eventually devastates all the nutrients in the soil of the site. And also not only because growing on the same site is fraught with the development of fungal and infectious diseases. And the fact is that in the first three to four years in one place the strawberry gives the maximum amount of harvest. In the following years, the bushes will weaken, cheat and delight the owners with rare and small berries. As to how many years to replant the strawberries in order to avoid the degeneration of the beloved queen of the garden queen, then everything is unambiguous - every four years.

When to replant strawberries in the summer?

For a summer transplant, only two months are suitable - July and August. The first summer month, June, is not good, because you can not move bushes during fruiting.

Many experienced gardeners recommend each year plant one new bed at the end of each season. This will allow you to keep the productivity from the old site and at the same time to update the strawberries.

If we transplant the strawberries in July, then for action it is necessary to choose a cloudy day and not sultry, so that bright and active sun rays do not damage seedlings. On the plantation you need to select the youngest bushes, which just started to please the first harvest - two-year-old seedlings. And take the selection of planting material seriously - it should be healthy and strong plants that are not subjected to disease and have a well developed root system. In addition, keep in mind that the transplant in July will bring the horticulturist a lot of trouble. Because of the arid weather, the plants will often have to be watered, otherwise the bushes weakened by the transfer to a new location can easily die with a lack of moisture. In a particularly hot, dry weather, beds with seedlings are recommended to cover with a canopy of white translucent fabric, so that the sun's rays do not damage strawberries.

August is the most favorable month for planting works. Especially its second decade - the best time when you need to transplant a strawberry mustache. And on the site they take out rosettes, which are closest to the mother plant - the first or second order. Such a planting material has a more developed root system and, therefore, adapts faster to a new place and will not die in winter. It is better to transplant together with an earthen lump in cloudy weather and preferably in the evening. And do not forget that the heart of the strawberry bush can not be buried or placed above the surface of the soil. The point of growth should be planted correctly at ground level.