Cat Foods Origin

Under the trademark Orijen, cat and dog food are produced, and the same company that produces the world-famous fodder Acana . In fact, the feed of these two brands are positioned as the most natural, close to the natural nutrition of animals.

In the feed for cats Origin, as in Akane, only animal proteins, most of its composition - natural meat of several species. The percentage of carbohydrates is minimal, there are a lot of vegetables and fruits in the stern, and in general - only natural ingredients.

In contrast to Akana, in the fodder for cats Origin even more meat (up to 75%), proteins (60%), various meat ingredients (5-6 varieties), and carbohydrates less (15-20%). We can say that Origin is the absolute ideal of the company.

Varieties of feed Origins for cats and kittens

Today the company provides a choice between two types of feed - OrijenCatandKitten and OrijenCat 6 FreshFish. Both are dry, this brand does not exist.

The company does not produce medicinal feeds, explaining this by the fact that with initially proper nutrition, the cat will not need treatment. The same applies to feeds for castrated cats . Since most of the energy of an animal with such food will be obtained from proteins, rather than carbohydrates, then there will be nothing to be deposited in the form of fat.

Advantages of cat food Origin

The main advantage is a unique approach to food production, based on biological compliance and only fresh ingredients that have never been frozen. Strictly speaking, all components of cat food are quite suitable for human nutrition.

In the stern there are all vitamins and trace elements, lactobacilli and other prebiotics, which exclude the appearance of problems in the digestive tract and kidneys. In the manufacture of food, absolutely no chemical additives are used.