Antibiotics for acne

It is believed that acne is a teenage disease. But, experience shows, in recent years more and more people in adulthood have faced this unpleasant problem. Like any disease, acne must be treated, because acne is not just a cosmetic defect. Rashes on the face, back or chest are a sign of serious disorders in the body.

Antibiotic for acne - the rules of the appointment for oral use

To correctly determine which antibiotics to drink when acne, it is mandatory to visit a dermatologist and go through all the stages of a prescribed examination.

Etymology of the disease

Before deciding to treat acne with antibiotic drugs, you must first determine the cause of the appearance of rashes. The fact is that the treatment of acne with antibiotics will be effective if:

In other cases, the use of an antibiotic against acne will not affect the course of the disease in any way, or significantly exacerbate the situation. In addition, these drugs for oral administration have a lot of side effects on the digestive system and suppress immunity.

Degree of disease

Antibiotics from acne on the face are prescribed only for severe or moderate stage acne. An easy degree of disease is well suited to local treatment with other medications and cosmetic procedures. Also, the complex strengthening of immunity helps, thanks to which the body independently struggles with pathogenic bacteria. Most commonly used antibiotics from acne on the back and chest, because these parts of the body are difficult to access for local treatment at home.

Required tests

The next step should be an analysis of the sensitivity of bacteria to a number of drugs. This will help determine the most appropriate and effective antibiotics against acne, as well as avoid the emergence of resistance to the drugs used.

Dosage and duration of treatment

It is important to choose the correct amount of the drug in a daily dose so that its concentration in the body does not exceed the norm, but it is sufficient to suppress the bacterial pathogen. The duration of antibiotic use depends on the following factors:

Dosage and duration of treatment are selected by the doctor individually for each patient. They may differ from the recommended values ​​in the antibiotic instructions. With a competent selection of the drug and the scheme of its application, the effect will not take long to wait - acne and inflammation after taking antibiotics begin to disappear by the second day of treatment.

Additional drugs

Taking antibiotics from acne, you need to take care of the condition of the body as a whole. Therefore in parallel are appointed:

  1. Antifungal drugs.
  2. Gepaprotectors.
  3. Complexes with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Antibiotic for acne for external use - selection rules

Resistance analysis

The local use of antibiotic drugs is almost safe and effective for affecting the bacteria of the skin. But, choosing an ointment from acne with an antibiotic, you still need to do a sensitivity test to preparations. Otherwise, an ineffective agent can be selected and bacteria resistant to a variety of antibiotics. In addition, there is a risk of developing superinfection and, as a consequence, a sharp increase in the number of rashes.

Interaction with cosmetics

It is also necessary to carefully study the components of used hygienic and decorative cosmetics, the mechanisms of their interaction with the drug. Moisturizing cream and antibiotic against acne can easily enter into a chemical reaction and cause its negative manifestations on the skin.