Ointment from bruises under the eyes

Bruises under the eyes - a sign of fatigue, lack of sleep, alcohol abuse. Not passing long bluish bruises signal that a person has problems with blood vessels: either their walls are extremely thin, or as a result of low vascular patency, blood stasis has occurred. Brown persistent bruises are caused by hyperpigmentation.

In each case, an ointment is needed from the bruises under the eyes, which has a directional effect. We will find out what advice the specialists give about getting rid of bruises.

Ointments from bruises and swelling under the eyes

If the cause of circles under the eyes is excessive pigmentation, you should use bleaching creams. Currently, there are quite a lot of creams on the market with a clarifying effect that do not adversely affect the skin of the face. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to creams, which include fruit acids and vitamin A (retinol). It should be borne in mind that it is better to use creams with retinol before night sleep, since this substance is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. We note the most effective night creams and gels with whitening effect:

In order to strengthen the weakened capillaries, systemic treatment of the cardiovascular system is required. In parallel, creams are used with substances that promote vascular strengthening and densification of the skin. These qualities have creams containing vitamins K, C and A (retinol), antioxidants and ceramides. Good feedback is given to the funds that strengthen the vessels:

Heparin ointment from hemorrhoids also helps to get rid of bruises under the eyes, but it should be borne in mind that this drug is a medicinal, and not a cosmetic, having many contraindications. So, Hepparin ointment can not be used by people with blood diseases.