What do moles on the face mean?

Have you ever thought about the question of the existence of a language without words? No? But in vain. Well, think about how great it is to come into society and be able to tell about your feelings to that person to whom they are addressed, and those around you will not guess. Beauty - neither to you skewed looks, nor gossip, everything is smooth and peaceful. Interestingly? We dare to assure you that such language exists. It was invented many centuries ago by court ladies and gentlemen to exchange conditional signs and not to attract undesirable attention. And it's called the language of moles or flies. So, we invite you to the mysterious realm of court intrigues, where you can learn what birthmarks mean on the faces of men and women, and how they affect people's destinies.

From the depths of centuries distant

Going to go out, the ladies of the 17th, 18th and even 19th centuries thought about how to tell their beloved about the place and time of the meeting or hint at some kind of desire. But it was necessary to do this unnoticed for others and her husband, if he was available. And then there will be gossip, gossip, shame on the whole honest world. Migrants came to the rescue.

Well, if the location of the natural mole on his face was in the right place, and if not. The absence of an eloquent speck was replaced by a fly or an artificial image. So, what do the birthmarks mean on the face of a woman of that time? A mole or a fly at the corner of his lips promises a romantic date with intimate details. The mole at the outer corner of the left eye speaks of coquetry, and at the corner of the right eye - "I do not see you". The fly on the forehead says "I'm lost in thought," and a mole above the eyebrow - "I'm surprised." And this is only the little thing that has reached our days, in fact, the options were immeasurably greater. It is a pity that they were lost in the thick of centuries.

Heroes of our time

And what are the birthmarks on the faces of modern men and women? Nowadays it's a new fashion. By the arrangement of natural moles on the face and other parts of the body, one can learn a lot about the nature and fate of their master. Let us also join the knower of this century and deal with the designation of birthmarks on the faces of our contemporaries. Maybe we'll find out something interesting about ourselves.

So, if the birthmark is located on the forehead, it characterizes its owner as a smart and successful person in a career and family life. And, the more central the birthmark is, the better. The mole above the right eyebrow or on it promises to the owner riches and success at an opposite sex, and the similar arrangement of a birthmark on the person at the left specifies in predilection for alcohol and foretells failures and disappointments. A mole who has settled near to eyes, speaks, that this person is fair and attentive. However, he also has one drawback, namely the desire for romantic adventures. The life of such a person will be rich, interesting and filled with various events, so that he will not have to miss him or him. If a mole has saddled such an outstanding place as a nose, she boldly declares to the whole world that her master is a man brave, direct and quick-tempered. And, at the same time, he is a real faithful friend, that only brings him on the bends slightly, and as a cool little guy or girl. In any case, success on all sides to him is assured. Mole on the cheek, no matter what, tells about diligence and kindness. Such a person will always find what to do, he never misses and does not suffer, although he does not have great wealth either. Yes, and do not need it to him, he is happy in his family life, he is surrounded by friends and a favorite work. Moles on the lips indicate poor health. A mole on his chin - a good calm and complaisant character. This person likes to travel, is friendly, with him it is pleasant and interesting to communicate, he is smart and responsive, good luck accompanies him everywhere.

Here such interesting facts can hide in everyday things at first glance. Now we also know what the moles mark on the face of a man or a woman and how they can influence the fate of their masters. You can treat this in different ways. You can believe and accept this mysterious language without words, and you can dismiss it as nonsense and nonsense, it's up to you. But everyday life is so boring, why not paint it in the color of an intriguing puzzle.