Dry lips

Dry lips - a very unpleasant phenomenon. Small cracks and flaky skin scales do not just look ugly, but also cause a lot of discomfort. The pains hurt and bleed, and the dried skin constantly wants to lick and moisten, which makes it worse.

Why the lips dry up?

The reasons are different - from innocuous and easily correctable, to quite serious and complex:

  1. Very often dry skin is a consequence of an allergic reaction . As an allergen, anything can act. But most often the problem lies in poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics or toothpaste.
  2. Treatment of dry lips may be required because of the low humidity in the room where the person spends the most time. This factor affects the skin of the whole body is not good. What can we say about the tender epidermis on the lips. Especially dangerous is dryness in the cold season.
  3. Peeling and dryness can occur as a result of infection or fungus. In such cases, they should be accompanied by a rash, itching and redness.
  4. Very often, people who abuse too hot, spicy or salty food face this problem.
  5. A common reason for the treatment of dry lips is the lack of vitamins A , B, C and E. In addition to peeling, very often corners appear in the corners of the mouth.
  6. It also happens that the dryness appears due to dehydration, when a person does not consume enough liquid.
  7. Of course, bad on the condition of the skin and affects a bad habit - to bite your lips.

How to get rid of dry lips?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of dryness. Otherwise, all activities will be useless, and the lips safely continue to peel off.


  1. Stop licking and biting your lips. Especially in the fresh air.
  2. Try to drink more water all year round, and even more so in the summer.
  3. Use scrubs and ointments for dry lips to moisturize the epidermis and remove the layer of dead tissue. You can buy or do it yourself. It is desirable to select them individually. The most effective ready-made medicines are honey, olive and sea buckthorn oil.
  4. Balance your diet. Bring in it more vitaminized products: legumes, carrots, cottage cheese, green vegetables.
  5. Ensure a constant moistening of the air.
  6. Start taking multivitamin complexes.