Advantages and features of installing veneers for a perfect smile

A beautiful, snow-white smile is a gift of nature, which not everyone can boast of. Most people do not satisfy the shape of the teeth, the color of their enamel and other defects. Thanks to the development of modern dentistry and the appearance of new, more sophisticated and safe materials, almost everyone can become a Hollywood smile. Change it beyond recognition allow the veneers - thin plates, the thickness of which is 0.5-0.7 mm.

As materials for their manufacture, light-reflecting and durable composite compositions or ceramics are used. Veneers allow you to correct the shape and color of teeth, as well as eliminate many other notable problems. Their installation is complete or partial. This means that you can restore your teeth only to those who need this procedure without affecting the entire jaw.

Advantages of installing veneers: why is this dental service in demand among patients?

Installation of veneers is a popular dental procedure. The desire of patients to install special plates on the teeth is dictated by many factors. The presence of veneers is not noticeable for others - the restored dentition has a natural appearance. To fix the plates, teeth are grinded beforehand, but they are not removed and remain alive. Veneers do not have a negative effect on periodontal tissue, do not need special care (except for the usual cleaning with toothpaste).

Another plus is that their color does not change from smoking or frequent use of coffee, so lovers of an invigorating drink can not give up their addiction. The material used to make the plates does not accumulate on its surface a deposit, nor is it a provoker of allergic reactions.

When can and can not install veneers?

Most often they are used to eliminate the following problems with teeth:

In addition to the testimony, there are cases when the procedure is impossible. Usually, ceramic or composite plates are not installed on teeth with caries, if the patient has signs of bruxism, a direct bite, with insufficient enamel volume.

How the procedure goes: the stages of the dentist's work

Depending on the type of veneers, different methods for their installation are used. To fix the plates of composite material at the initial stage, the dentist grinds the patient's teeth for a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. After this, a layered veneer is formed, followed by further grinding and restorative polishing.

Ceramic variants or those that are made on the basis of zirconia are installed longer. The entire process involves a visit to the dentist at least two times. At the first reception, the preparation of teeth and the taking of casts are carried out. They are sent to the dental laboratory, where, with the use of special equipment, the process of manufacturing veneers takes place. Until they are ready, the patient wears temporary lining. At the final stage, the dentist installs the finished plates and fixes them with special cement.

For a new smile to always look perfect, you need to remember twice a day to brush your teeth. Also it is necessary to undergo a preventive checkup every 6 months at the dentist, do not eat too hard food, which requires chewing. During training in the gym and night sleep, it is recommended to wear silicone caps.

Source of information: Esthetic Classic Dent (clinic of Implantology and Aesthetic Dentistry of Dr. Shmatov).