How to increase the lips at home?

In order to increase your sponges, you do not need to lie under the plastic surgeon's knife. Such operations have a lot of shortcomings, and, most importantly, a sufficiently high risk that the result will not meet your expectations. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to turn to the best plastic surgeons in the world, it is better not to trust your face to anyone, but to find out how to increase the lips with folk remedies without surgery.

It should be noted that there are two ways how you can grow your own lips at home. The first way implies a real increase in the lips. That is, you can increase your lips with exercises and masks. The second way is based on methods how to visually enlarge the lips (using cosmetic products). Let's talk in more detail about each of the possible ways to increase the lips at home.

Let's start, perhaps, with the first group of methods. How can I enlarge the lips myself?

We bring to your attention a set of exercises aimed at increasing the size of the lips.

  1. Pull your lips forward as far as you can. Confound them. In this case, you should experience tension in the lips, cheeks, cheekbones and other parts of the skin of the face. Then we return the lips back and relax the muscles of the face.
  2. We drive closed lips to the right and to the left. We describe the figure eight and the letter O. We repeat the same actions, but only with lips extended forward. We return to the starting position and let the muscles of the face relax.
  3. We open our mouth as widely as we can. And stick out the tongue (also maximally). We linger in this position for a few seconds and return to the original one. We relax the muscles of the face.
  4. Gather a full mouth of air (some prefer to do this exercise with water, but this is not necessary, air is enough) and release it through the lips in such a way that your lips tremble (if there is water in your mouth, then it splashes into fine dust, so before our mothers moistened the laundry before ironing).
  5. Whistle. It is desirable to whistle a melody to alternate sounds, and, accordingly, tension in the lips.
  6. Sing the vowels. First just so, then open your mouth very wide, and sing them again. And then pull your lips forward and sing all the vowels again. Relax.

Now let's talk about special masks that allow you to enlarge your lips at home.

Ingredients for the mask:


All ingredients are placed in a container, and heated them in a water bath for 5-7 minutes all the time stirring. Cool the resulting mask to body temperature, and apply for 15 minutes on the lips. Then wash off the mask with cool water. The result lasts for several hours. There is also the view that the bulk of the lips can be given by applying honey, pepper, or a contrast shower (alternately applying ice and hot water) on them. However, such methods give short-lived result.

How to visually enlarge the lips?

There are ways to increase your lips with makeup. In the arsenal of a modern girl there is always a pair of proven means to increase the volume of the lips. And most often they are shines. If the composition of the gloss includes hyaluronic acid, silicone or collagen, then such a means visually enlarges the lips quite well. But the cost of this cosmetics is slightly higher than normal.

If you can not afford such lip gloss, then you can achieve a good effect and with the help of another little secret. Before applying lipstick, emphasize the lip contour with a pencil, lightly covering the skin around the lips. Then apply lipstick, and gloss on top. After that, take another shine, a few tones lighter, or completely clear, and apply it to the middle of the lip. This will visually make the lips more plump.