Acne on the forehead - causes

Each girl wants, looking at herself in the mirror, see not just a happy face, but clean and well-groomed skin. However, sometimes it happens that, how much effort is not applied, the result is still the opposite: small pimples are scattered on the forehead! To cope with this, one foundation is not enough - you need to determine the cause.

If you suddenly have spots on your forehead, the reasons can be very different - from an allergic reaction to an incorrect lifestyle in general. The most popular time of occurrence of such sudden rashes is the adolescence: at this time the organism is reconstructed into another "mode of work", the ratio and levels of hormones change, and the skin on the face reacts with the appearance of pimples.

Acne on the forehead - reasons for the appearance

The causes of acne on the forehead are not only in external, but also in internal factors. And the underlying cause is often the inner one. So, our way of life, nutrition, our immunity and state of health directly affects the condition of our skin. With negative processes, deviations, the skin can react with the formation of acne, blackheads , rashes.

The common cause of acne on the forehead is a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. This means that you consume too much food, saturated with fats and too little - useful, rich in vitamins. Try to make your diet more healthy, drink more pure water, give up flour and too sweet, try not to eat fast food. Watch your skin for a while, maybe she will be very grateful to you.

Small pimples on the forehead more often have causes of appearance associated with taking antibiotics or general imbalance in the intestine. That is, the main reason for the appearance is also a deviation in the work of internal organs. Be sure to take the stabilizing work of the intestines of bifidobacteria during the intake of antibiotics, add to your diet sour-milk products. The appearance of small acne can also be associated with taking oral contraceptives that affect your hormonal background. In this case, it is better to see a doctor to adjust the drugs.

Constantly appearing acne on the forehead can also testify to abnormalities in the pancreas. If you observe any accompanying unpleasant symptoms, be sure to see a doctor.

Subcutaneous and purulent pimples on the forehead - reasons

Subcutaneous or internal pimples on the forehead most often have external causes, that is, associated with skin care. The appearance of such a rash may contribute to the use of poor-quality cosmetics or cosmetics, not suitable for your skin type . Consult with a cosmetologist or try to replace a line of care products.

If there are white or purulent pimples on the forehead, the reasons may be associated with improper care or a malfunction in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Often purulent acne occurs after squeezing the usual red pimples. After such exposures, microbes fall into the neighboring pores and begin to act there. Repeated extrusion leads to the fact that the infection gets deeper, the place becomes inflamed, and you get a purulent pimple.

If purulent pimples really bother you with frequent, regular occurrence or a large spreading area, use the advice of a medical cosmetologist. Since the occurrence of purulent acne can be evidence of abnormalities in the work of the stomach, you can also pass a survey with a specialist to exclude the internal cause.