Ascaris in children - treatment

Childhood is the time of carefree and uncontrollable energy. Kids enjoy interacting with the world around them, analyzing and studying it. But, unfortunately, sometimes the results of such interaction can negatively affect the health of children. In this article, we will talk about the treatment of ascaridosis in children, we will tell you how to remove ascarids from a child with the help of tested drugs, and what measures for the prevention of ascaridosis are most relevant.

Askaridoz: causes and features

First of all, let's find out what is ascariasis. Ascaridosis in medicine refers to the infection of the body with ascarids (one of the types of helminths - roundworms). The eggs of ascarids are sufficiently resistant to the effects of low temperatures and can hibernate in conditions of the middle belt under the snow cover. Stability to high temperatures is much less - even at 50 ° C eggs die after a few seconds.

The danger of ascarids is not only that they parasitize in the intestines, poisoning the host's body with the products of their vital activity, but also in the ability to migrate to other organs - lacrimal glands, liver, lungs, even the brain. Very often, when the lungs are infected with ascarids, the child exhibits symptoms of bronchitis, rhinitis, allergic rashes. In this case, parents often do not know the real reason for these phenomena, and accordingly, they treat the baby completely wrong. A distinctive feature of hives and other "allergic" reactions caused by ascarids is that they can manifest themselves and continue to develop even after removal of the parasite from the body. That is why it is so important to observe preventive measures and not to allow the mass reproduction of parasites.

How to treat ascariasis in children?

Unlike some other types of helminths (for example, pinworms), ascarids in children are not taken out independently and in the absence of adequate treatment the degree of infection multiplies. The effectiveness of dietary supplements and phytopreparations in the treatment of ascaridosis is very low, so they should be used only as additional measures in the treatment of medicines.

As a medicine for ascarids for children, antiparasitic drugs of a wide spectrum of action - pyrantel (kombantril) - 10 mg per kilogram of body weight are used most often, once after eating; decaris (levamisole) - 150 mg for adults, 50 mg for children weighing up to 20 kg; Vermox (mebendazole) - twice a day for 0.1 g for three days.

The highest effectiveness of treatment is observed in late spring (May-June) or autumn (October-November) - immediately after the active infection season. Also, antiallergic agents and drugs are prescribed, restoring the normal activity of the digestive tract (for getting rid of dysbiosis and normalizing peristalsis).

Doctors recommend conducting preventive courses of treatment at least twice per year (within the specified time frame), or four times a year, at the end of each calendar season (this prevention scheme is recommended for people at risk of infection by workers of purification and sanitation facilities, gardeners, vegetable sellers, greenhouse workers, orchards).

Prophylaxis of ascariasis in children

To prevent the infection of children with ascarids, parents should teach their children to observe hygienic norms and rules, carry out regular cleaning and disinfection of toilets, and regularly conduct preventive courses of treatment with antiparasitic drugs.