Imunoriks for children

During the off-season, many mothers try to protect their child from colds, resorting to improving the protective properties of the body. One of the effective means for prevention is imunorix.

Imunoriks: composition

The drug is released in a vial of 400 mg. The basis is pidotimod. It is he who stimulates and regulates cellular and humoral immunity. Pidotimod enhances the activity of natural killers, activates phagocytosis. Among the auxiliary substances are sodium chloride, sodium saccharinate, disodium edetate, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate, flavor and natural colorant.

Imunoriks: application

This drug is prescribed in cases where the child is often sick with colds or his immunity is weakened. Imunoriks for children should be prescribed only by a specialist. The fact is that any drug intervention leads to changes in the body. The immune system is no exception.

In the period of preventive actions, it is very important how you will take imunorix. Dosage should be observed clearly. As a rule, doctors prescribe a course of 15 days. If the intake falls during the period of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections or cold periods, the course is prolonged to 90 days. Dosage is calculated for each age individually. Usually, children are prescribed 400 mg of the drug twice a day, separately from meals.

Indications for taking the drug are:

It should be noted that the mechanism of action of this drug is known, and therefore the doctor can appoint it without the risk of disrupting the processes in the body. Imunoriks has an effect only on the immune system and does not affect other mechanisms in the body. In addition, a good tolerance was noted during the drug test.

Imunoriks: contraindications

Like any other drug, immunonomy for children should be prescribed only to a specialist. It is dangerous to take it on your own. It is allergic reactions are side effects imunoriksa. Before you start taking imunorix, it is worth familiar with its contraindications. These include :

children up to three years;