Treatment of helminths in children

Worms, they are helminths, are worms that parasitize the internal organs of a person. Because in children, the protective properties of the gastrointestinal tract are not sufficiently formed, and also because of the characteristics of the children's way of life, helminths are more common in them than in adults.

In the article we will consider methods of treating worms in children. The danger of parasite infestation is that this disease has no clearly expressed symptoms. As a rule, the child's well-being depends on the type of worms. But the general symptoms include:

In neglected form, helminthic diseases can lead to very complex consequences.

The prevention of parasites in children is of great importance. To prevent infection, you can, if you perform such measures: teach the child to stick to personal hygiene; limit the contact of the child with street animals; it is good to process vegetables, fruits, greens; cure from parasites of a pet; regularly wash your baby's toys; Separate toys for games at home and on the street.

Scheme of treatment of worms in children

If you still have worms in your child, you should see a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment based on the results of the tests. To get rid of worms, you need a set of measures.

Here is the general scheme of treatment of worms in children:

  1. Preparation of the organism for the removal of parasites (the intake of vegetable oils - pumpkin, linseed, preparations: allochol, enterosgel).
  2. Admission of anthelmintic agents (as a rule, when treating worms in children, prescribe such drugs: pyrantel, mebendazole (vermox), decaris, nemmozol).
  3. The use of vitamins and drugs that restore the work of internal organs and stimulate the immune system.

Chemical drugs have a toxic effect on the entire body of the baby and reduce its immune system, so many parents prefer folk treatment of worms in children. If you are staying on this option, you still need to consult a pediatrician. Today there is a sufficient number of preparations made on the basis of herbs: the root of dandelion, yarrow, root of ayr, thyme, wormwood, fennel seeds, garlic, etc.

Treatment of worms in a one-year-old child

The most common types of parasites in children at this age are ascarids and pinworms. Children are more likely to become infected because of communication with pets, who have worms, parents' non-compliance with hygiene rules, and the presence of helminths in the mother's body during the period of gestation, too, can cause the child's illness.

Treatment of children worms ascarids and pinworms has its own peculiarities and complexities. From chemical preparations, as a rule, appoint more sparing - pyrantel and nemozol - and in a small dosage, which the doctor chooses individually. From the traditional medicine effective garlic enema (6-7 cloves of garlic boil in a glass of water). Probiotics after treatment will help to restore the microflora as soon as possible and improve the immunity of the baby.