Biokefir is good and bad

Quite popular in recent years has become biokefir benefit and the harm of which stand side by side, like all other products. In this case, one should distinguish between ordinary yogurt or yogurt from bio, which has a slightly different composition.

How useful biokefir?

Biokefir is a fermented milk product containing useful bifidobacteria. At the same time in ordinary kefir they are not. The shelf life of such a drink can not exceed more than 2-3 days, and, therefore, it is at a cost much higher than all other dairy products and it is more difficult to find. The use of biochetophrine is enormous, because its composition has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. So, for example, it helps:

During prolonged antibiotic intake, it is the consumption of this fermented milk product that helps to reduce their negative impact on the human body and protect the intestines from disorders. If you drink at least a glass of bikefir at night, you can thereby improve your health. Quite often it is used in cosmetology as masks for face or hair.

Biokefir for weight loss

Due to the diuretic action of biokefir it is recommended to use it for people who want to lose excess pounds. In addition, the drink contains useful substances that improve digestion, saturate the body with microelements. At the same biokefir has a small caloric content and with its help make up various diets that do not harm the body.

But it should be borne in mind that with ulcers, gastritis and increased acidity, eating more than one glass of this drink can negatively affect your health. Therefore, before starting its active use, it should be noted that the benefits and harms of biocheto-phir can stand side by side.