Is it possible to eat apricots while losing weight?

Fragrant fruits and berries contain many vitamins, but not all gifts of nature can be eaten by those who want to lose a few pounds. On whether it is possible to eat apricots with weight loss and what point of view dieticians adhere to this question, we will learn today.

Can I eat apricots while losing weight?

Experts argue that these fruits can and should be included in their menu to those who are on a diet. Apricots contain from 44 to 115 kcal per 100 g, the exact caloric value is difficult to determine, since the pulp of the fruit can have more or less sugar. Despite the apparent high enough, if we take the maximum index, the calorific value, the fruits do not have fats in their composition, they are rich in vitamins of group B , C, A and PP, and also contain pectin and organic acids. All these substances are simply necessary for those who already limit themselves and because of the diet does not get the right amount of vitamins. But, this does not mean that the answer to the question, whether apricots are useful for losing weight, will definitely be positive, it all depends on how often and how many fruits you eat. A large amount of sugar can negate all efforts if you do not follow certain rules of eating fruits.

In order not to gain excess weight, you should:

  1. Do not eat more than 100-150 g of these fruits a day.
  2. Use fruit not as an additional dish or dessert, but as a substitute for some basic food, for example, instead of the second for lunch.

As for whether it is possible to eat apricots in the evening when losing weight, then there are no restrictions, you can completely use them for food instead of dinner, only observe the rule not to eat less than 2 hours before sleep, and everything will be in order. In addition to this dinner, you can afford to drink 1 glass of skimmed yogurt, this will help saturate and restore the intestinal microflora.