Pie with cottage cheese "Tears of an angel"

We suggest you bake an incomparable curd cake "Tears of an Angel", and how to properly prepare it in detail we will tell below.

The recipe for the curd cake "Tears of an Angel" in the oven


For the test:

For filling:

For a souffle:


Wheat flour with baking powder is sieved into a bowl with chilled butter. With a knife we ​​chop the butter with flour to a homogeneous mass, move it into a suitable container. Introduce here the whipped eggs with sugar and knead the dough. We wrap it in a food film and send it to the refrigerator shelf for 30 minutes.

In another bowl, spread fatty cottage cheese, sour cream, yolks, mango and granulated sugar. Pretty well, we mix the whole mass with a spoon, immerse the blender and 2-3 minutes, all whisk.

Dough well rolled into a centimeter layer and put it in a high form, so that the edges lie on its side. Evenly fill with a delicate filling and put everything in the center, heated to 185 degrees oven, for 25 minutes. Then we remove the cake and put on it an air souffle, pre-whipped from chilled fresh proteins and sifted powdered sugar. We bake the cake in the oven for about 15 minutes, and then, when cooling down, we observe how, on its baked surface, the tenderest drops appear, confirming the essence of the name of this batch - "Tears of an Angel".

The recipe for cake with cottage cheese "Tears of an angel" in a multi-


For the test:

For filling:

For a souffle:


Pour sugar into the melted in the microwave oven oil, add thick sour cream and whisk the ingredients with a spoon. Next we introduce into this mass baking powder, high-quality flour and kneaded with homogeneous dough. Cover it with a cut of food film and lay out for 20 minutes in the cold.

In the bowl of the blender we place the necessary quantity of ingredients for the preparation of the curd filling and whisk them for about 3 minutes.

In the capacity of the multivarka we lay out a thinly rolled out cool dough, the edges of which are laid up on the walls of the bowl. On it, evenly distribute the air filling and in the "Baking" mode we prepare a delicate pie for 45 minutes. Then open the lid and lay out on the curd surface freshly whipped from cold proteins and small sugar soufflé. Set the timer for another 10 minutes and bake the cake.