Baking from rye flour at home

Those who tried (and the first attempt is almost unsuccessful) to knead the rye dough, they know that this process is different from simple and understandable wheat batch. Rye flour has other properties, it has less gluten, but because the dough made of rye flour does not get the same elastic and elastic as wheat flour. It is friable, if you transfer the flour, it becomes too hard, if not reported - spreads out. Therefore, to make pastry from rye flour at home is a success, will have to practice. Most often you can find a recipe for wickets from rye flour, but we offer several other options.

Simple dough

The easiest way to bake cakes from rye flour. The dough is kneaded in 2 stages - first put the sponge , and then knead it.


yeast dry (it is better to work with them) or wet - 1 tsp / 20 g;


From yeast, sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and warm (no more than 40 degrees C) water stir the gruel and put in a warm place for a couple of hours. Opara should grow in volume approximately half. The remaining flour is sieved with baking powder. Beat the egg with salt and melted (not hot - otherwise the egg will curdle) or a well-softened butter. We add warm water, gradually add flour, at the end we pour in the sponge and quickly knead the dough. The resulting lump (it will not be kneaded like wheat into a single elastic ball) is divided into pieces, rolled and baked. It turns out such a batch of rye flour is soft and very tasty. If you add as much sugar, you can bake cookies from rye flour. Baking products be careful - it's dark and you need to navigate not by the color of the crust, but by the structure of the dough, so keep a wooden skewer or just a pointed match at hand. When she comes out of the dough dry, biscuits or pechenyushki ready.

About pies

To be honest, rye pies are good only in fairy tales. Wheat pie turns out soft, lush, which is not to say about rye. But from a mixture of wheat and rye flour you can bake a very interesting patty.



We mix the flour and sift, add softened oil and water, just knead the dough - this must be done very quickly. Transfer the dough into the refrigerator (do not forget to wrap it with a film) and fill it. Luchok cut in small, we will extinguish lightly on the melted fat until soft, mixed with minced meat (you can use meat, but the fish pie from rye flour is still tastier). Filling the salt, driving the egg in and forming a cake. The dough is rolled into the cake (the thickness of the dough is about 4 mm), put it on the baking sheet covered with parchment, put half the stuffing into half, and cover the second one like a blanket. The edges are beautifully closed, greased with eggs and sent to the oven. The cake in the oven should be at least one and a half hours, but the temperature is unusually low, not more than 150 degrees. We focus on the smell and readiness of the test. We serve the pie with broth or tea.