Flower "pike tail"

This plant has a lot of names. It is possible that in the beginning, you will not even understand that this is a pet flower called a "pike tail". You can also hear that it is called: "Kukushkin tail", "Indian sword", "snake spit", "tongue of the devil", "mother tongue", and scientifically still more difficult - sanseverera or sansevieriya.

About the features of sanseviera

By the signs, the flower of the pike tail brings many benefits and is a useful and irreplaceable plant.

  1. Sansevieria helps home residents to deal with stress. Strengthens the strength of the spirit and teaches you to look at life in a philosophical way.
  2. It charges the air with health, strengthening the body against colds and other diseases.
  3. People seismically dependent help to easily transfer various solar flares and changes in the atmosphere.
  4. The households become more patient, they manage to cope with difficulties more easily.
  5. Students, and simple schoolchildren, more easily and quickly learn new knowledge.
  6. With possible conflicts and quarrels this plant will smooth out the negative, while allowing a small dispute not to develop into a scandal.
  7. Sanseviera will help out people who are insecure, help them become independent of outside opinion.
  8. Also this flower is very useful to the strong sex, it infuses courage, courage and improves the male potency.
  9. In addition to everything described, sanseviera perfectly cleans the air of bacteria, microbes and all sorts of negative emotions, which very persistently try to wedge into our daily life.

How to care for a flower pike tail?

You will be very surprised to learn that the tail of a pike has little need of care! Its main demand is warm. The temperature in the room should not be below 15 ° C. Like many other plants, sansevieriya does not tolerate direct exposure to sunlight. Some growers have noticed that the pike tail can generally do without sunlight for a long time.

How to water a pike tail?

That's it in the watering and is the whole basis of proper care. Sansevieria does not like to stand wet. Water it only when the top layer of the soil is completely dry. In winter, the intervals between watering can be from 2 to 3 weeks.

Spraying the flower, make sure that the water gets to the ground. Leaves best protect from excess moisture. Periodically, simply wipe it off with a damp cloth.

How to transplant a pike tail?

Pike tail replanting is required extremely rarely, only if you want to see a new bush, or in case of accidental overflow. This plant in tight pots feels fine. You still decided to change your favorite? Then remember the simple algorithm:

Reproduction of a pike tail

Do not be surprised, but here everything is also quite simple. You can try to plant in the ground an ordinary leaf. Also very popular is the method of propagation: the leaf is cut and buried in wet sand to a depth of 2-3 cm. After a month and a half you will see the results.

Flowering of the Pike Tail

About 70 species of pike tail are known in nature, and almost all of them are flowering plants. Those who saw this flower in the flowering period, note the bright aroma of vanilla, which is greatly enhanced by night. Such a pleasant surprise awaits those who make friends with this plant.