
Cattleya is rightly called the queen of orchids. Its special value lies in its delicate sweet aroma, reminiscent of lemon, vanilla, lilac or lily of the valley, as well as in a wide range of colors. These epiphytic plants live on trees and rocks. Usually Cattleya flower is large enough, about 20 cm in diameter. The stems of the plant are located horizontally. They have from 2 to 5 internodes, as well as thickening - pseudobulbs, in which nutrients and water accumulate. New shoots are formed near the base of the previous ones. At once they are covered with scales and grow horizontally. The lower parts of the shoots become the continuation of the rhizome, and the leaves appear on the upper parts. From the leaf axillary flower sprouts are cut through, covered with a cover cap. Later buds break through the cover cap to bloom above it.

Cattleya: Species

All Cattleya are evergreen plants, which are divided into univalent and two-leafed plants. Cattleya single-leaf forms from two to six large flowers with a distinct lip, it refers to the type labiata. On each bulb it only grows 1 leaf. Cattleya double-faced is of the Brazilian type, it has 2-3 leaves on each pseudobulb. Its racemose inflorescences are represented by numerous small flowers.

Cattleya boulinga has large cylindrical stems about 30 cm long, which are covered with light scales and have a pair of oblong leathery leaves with a notch on the top. Flowers up to 10 cm in diameter are collected on a short peduncle of 3-5 pieces. Sepals and petals of such a Cattleya pink or purple hue, sepals 2 times already petals. The velvety lip in the pharynx of white-yellow intense color.

Orchid cottage: care

Cattleya - heat and light-loving plants. The plant is best placed on the eastern, southern and western windows. In winter, they need to create additional lighting, and in spring and summer - abundant watering. The land should dry out for 1-2 days. Winter watering should be limited to a minimum, and make sure that the pseudoclades do not wrinkle. During growth, be sure to feed the plant with fertilizer for orchids.

Cattleya requires fresh and moist air (70-80%), so it is better to place the plant on a pallet with water or wet pebbles. Many grow Cattleya in a wide aquarium, which constantly contains a small amount of water. Humidity of air in all seasons should remain high.

Those who do not know how to care for the Cattleya and limit it in the light can never wait for its flowering. Although Cattleya is considered to be a fairly hardy orchid, the key to its prosperity is a bright spot, high humidity, drained soil and fresh air. Under such favorable conditions, the plant can bloom almost all year round.

Cattleya with original colors of various colors in nature grow on rocks and trees, which always get quite a lot of bright sunlight. A lot of species of orchids in the spring and summer suffer from too bright sun. The place for the Cattleya must be very light, but shaded from the burning midday sun.

Beginners should remember that abundant watering and low temperatures in winter will lead to decay and death of the roots.

Cattleya transplantation

The transplant should be carried out when the roots are not completely placed in the pot. Cattleya should be slightly buried in the ground. As a substrate, you can use forest moss, pieces of pine bark, polystyrene or coconut chips. Plant the plant can be in the basket-pendants, and small plants - in the stump of branches of trees, in pieces of bark. The way in which the Cattleya is planted depends on the conditions of detention. When growing in a room greenhouse it is better to plant on the bark or in baskets.